Saturday, December 28, 2019

Analysis Of Duplessis And As Government Called The Great...

The Refus Global In the 1950’s, Duplessis and is government called â€Å"Union National’’ were in power in Quebec province. That period was called the great Darkness because instead of taking a step forward like most countries, Quebec took a big leap back. A lot of people fought back and tried to take him out in order to stop de conservatism and to follow the path that the rest of the world was following. Some of those recalcitrant were the authors of The Total Refusal, an important book in which figured poems, paintings, sketches and plenty other art forms. It is a renowned document that we can not forget. It is par of our story and teaches us a valuable lesson. The Total Refusal (or Refus global in French) changed the traditional values and†¦show more content†¦It’s true, the only 400 copies sold quickly. It had the effect of a bomb. It changed everything and wasn’t a violent act of revolution. In conclusion, it was a rebellion in the fa ce of religion and it showed that artists were essential. Second of all, The Refus global showed the principle of equality between sexes. Indeed, out of the 15 people who signed the Refus global, eight were men and seven were women. Therefore, there was almost a 50% ratio between men and women. Above all, it marked one of the first times that women express themselves publicly in a time where even men were scared of criticizing the current regime. During the Great Darkness, women were expected to be good housewives and to erase themselves. But those women fought and said or showed their convictions. Additionally, the seven women who signed the Refus Global were all artists, a job that was always done by men before. We just have to think of female writers who had to write using a man’s name. It was the case of Janette Bertrand, a well-known francophone author. Woman weren’t perceived the same way, even Borduas admitted that at first, he didn’t take seriously any o f his female co-authors. But by working with them, he realized that they could do the same or even better than men. Besides all of that, the women artists

Friday, December 20, 2019

Three Little Pigs - Four Interpretations in Terms of Psychoanalysis Essay - 1

Essays on Three Little Pigs - Four Interpretations in Terms of Psychoanalysis Essay The paper â€Å"Three Little Pigs - Four Interpretations in Terms of Psychoanalysis" is a spectacular example of an essay on psychology. History is filled with numerous examples of lonely and sad tyrants who are not able to get to grips with themselves, society and community. The world could have been a better place if Saddam Hussein and Genghis Kahn had found a psychiatrist worth their salt, and willing to aid them in moving past their childhood pain. Biographers over time have managed to expose the miserable existence of many a despot throughout history. Normally, these individuals are men and their sadness cries out from their insides and is waiting to be exposed. What exactly is it that acts as motivation for these tyrants.In the story, the 3 little pigs, the reader cannot be sure of the wolf’s history. For this particular instance, we shall assume that, among the litter, he was considered an outcast and was forced away by his brothers and by his mother. This led him to l ive a needy and miserable existence. Banished from the pack, the wolf sought nourishment in any manner possible. Feeling unloved, he was constantly looking for his female archetype (Scieszka et al, 2006). Growing up, he received neither respect nor trust. His parents, at worst, taught him the wolf’s way as selfish, drooling, snarling, and bounty hunters, acting as landed crows and not giving much thought to what they would eat. Today, maybe he would eat a sheep, the next day tear into a pig. However, each time he killed left him with a feeling of less satisfaction. He continues to kill, unable to articulate the needs inherent in his inner self, by looking for comfort, in the mayhem and terror he unleashes. His inner self-weakness is not challenged by anyone.The bullying, over time, almost literally feeds on itself (Scieszka et al, 2006). His success in doing in the first pig shows him to be powerful. The first kill satiates his physical appetite. However, the wolf is bursting with loneliness and self-hatred and thus needs his psychic hunger fulfilled. He devours the second pig using a similar ruse to the first and continues his insatiable gluttony.At this point, he cannot seem to restrain himself. Seemingly psychopathic, he is not stopped by anything in his quest to eat the 3rd pig. It is possible that he knew that the pig was outsmarting him, but he continues on his bloody quest anyway. Going on like a kidnaper with suicide on his mind, knowing what his final fate will be, he is not stopped by a thing. The scene conjures up a mental image of the wolf screaming to the third pig, â€Å"Please—defeat me and put me out of my misery† (Scieszka et al, 2006). Sadly enough for the wolf, the third little pig is willing and ready to abide by his wishes.The interpretations by Gomez, Amdur, and Fazio all compare the wolf to a tyrant. Gomez refers to the wolf as a lonely and sad tyrant, Gomez as a capitalist, bullying tyrant, and Fazio refers tom the wolf as a satanic tyrant wreaking havoc on a God-fearing people (Scieszka et al, 2006). That pigs, foxes, and wolves are the craftiest creatures on earth are, in popular culture, legendary. The reputations in the interpretations range from harmless to harmful. In a confrontation, Amdur suggests that while the literature suggests that they are much stronger than their adversaries are, they eventually end up as the victims of greed. Pigs, while unruly and greedy, are viewed by the interpretations as underdogs and victims.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Motivation Concepts and Skill Building

Question: Discuss about theMotivationfor Concepts and Skill Building. Answer: Introduction One of the issues that can be identified during the motivation of the employees is leadership. It is a part of any organization that enhances the organization for the growth and development of it. Leaders are not being confused with the managers. Leaders are those individuals who guides and motivates the employees according to different prospects, as different employees have different thinking and the visualizing power towards their work, leaders helps them accordingly. Directing the team is considered as one of the prime challenges faced by leaders worldwide. Directions are like team building, developing a team, as well as managing the team are there responsibilities and this is where they face the challenges. Every now and then, managers find it difficult in instilling pride in his/her team or ways to support the team, leading a team with a considerable number of workforce, and things to consider while taking over a totally new team. I have sufficient knowledge in case of employee motivation as I have a human resources management degree from a good university. I also have worked as an HR and headed many meetings, engagements and surveys in employee motivation in numerous companies. I also have worked as a Line Manager in the U.K. for several years from which I have gathered enough experience. I am writing the essay with the help of my accumulated experience only. I initially came to know about the importance of motivating employees as I read about the issue in almost every organization throughout the planet theoretically. However, experienced it practically as I started working as an HR. I started realizing that to have productive and consistent production, the employees have to be motivated all the time so that they can excel their productivity every time. However, if any policy regarding employee motivation is not in place, it becomes very hard to have a consistency in running the business. The reason being happy employees are more productive, focused and loyal towards their employer. If employer takes care of their employees, employees will also take care of their employer. This symptom is noticeable everywhere in the world. When I started working, I was put into a team of four. There I was the only one who had good handle in spoken English. My degree in HR helped me a lot to help my employers to have a robust employee motivation policy in place. Several challenges are being faced by the leaders while developing and grooming the team. Bringing in change is another challenge for the most of the managers. They sometimes goof up uniting, accepting and eventually leading the change within the team. Guiding change may include processes of mitigating consequences, overcome resistance to change, and deal with employees reaction to change. Internal Stakeholders are need to be managed accordingly and politics acts as a challenge of working with the relationships, image and politics. This challenge includes gaining support from the managerial end and dealing up and getting buy-in from different departments, teams or individuals Realizing that these difficulties are normal encounters for center and senior chiefs is useful to both the pioneers and those accused of their advancement, as per our specialists. People can profit by knowing their encounters as pioneers are more comparative than various and can feel more certain about connecting with others to help them learn and confront these difficulties. At first I expect that we have to comprehend what motivation is before we can comprehend why there are piles of motivational theorys. I suspect that that we need will understand what is motivation before understanding what the reasons of various motivational hypotheses are. "Motivation" starts from the Latin word movere, implying 'to move' which initiates as conviction, need, feeling and commonplace state which encourages a man to make a move. A man's execution at work is affected by a few individual parts (Personality, attitudes and feelings, motivation, insightfulness) yet particularly, by Motivation. The word reference depicts motivation as "the motivation driving why some individual achieves something or acts particularly". There are two fundamental sorts of motivation hypotheses and process theories, the substance hypotheses look at the necessities that individuals have, it joins 4 section hypotheses: Maslow's dynamic approach of prerequisites model, Alderfer's balanced need chain of significance model, McClelland's achievement motivation theory and Herzberg's two-enlist theorys. The Process Theories are a vitality about the perspective that effect facilitate. The huge method theorys of motivation join Vroom's foresight theory, target setting theory, and post theory and Adams' respect supposition. Physiological necessities are sustenance, drink, safe house and sex, Safety needs are the security and protection from physical and red hot harm. Social needs suggest a requirement for adoration. That concludes a man will endeavor mind boggling relationship with people and a place inside there get-together. The prerequisites that Maslow has at the create of the pyramid depend in light of key needs stressed with survival or lower deal with prerequisites, and these must be satisfied before a man can go to the running with level on the chain of criticalness of necessities until self-confirmation which Maslow fought that dismissing the way that everybody can, passably few complete this level. In all motivation theorys there are constantly extraordinary conditions and weights, Maslow has been cautious about his theory himself, in an introduction he conveyed: "My motivation theory was appropriated 20 years back and in all that time nobody repeated it, or tried, or truly detached it or chided it. They fundamentally used it, swallowed down it with basically the minor change" Clayton Alderfer proposed the ERG theory, which is on an incredibly essential level the same as Maslow's theory, it in like way outlines needs as a chain of giganticness. The letters ERG stay for three levels of necessities: Existence, Relatedness, and Growth. This hypothesis relies on upon the work of Maslow, so it has a ton which is equivalent with it regardless it in like route differences in some fundamental edges. He fights that Maslow's theory is not versatile and along these lines of this people may twist up obviously stunned as they are not set up to move to the running with stage. Alderfer has kept Maslow's five level theorys into three levels; this theory is more versatile as people can go wherever all through the dynamic structure if their necessities keep advancing. Fredrick Herzberg's cleanliness motivation theory, Frederick Hertzberg incited certain components in the working environment cause work fulfillment, while others impel disappointment, he proposed the 'Two Factor theories of human motivation in the working environment, he recognized that man has two frameworks of necessities one as a creature to dodge torment and the second as a man to develop reasonably. Hertzberg expect that the advance or the begin pieces, for example, accomplishment, the work its self, obligation and advance are the essential driver of occupation fulfillment. Cleanliness finds the dissatisfies utilizing the expression "cleanliness" are considered upkeep recognize that are to keep up an imperative partition from disappointment however with no other person's data don't give fulfillment union structure, affiliation, supervision social affiliations, working conditions pay status and security. Hertzberg utilized two open finished demand 'exhibit me concerning a period when you felt unfathomably dumbfounding about your occupation.' and 'edify me with respect to a period when you felt outstandingly shocking about your work'. Herzberg separated a substitute level of experts twelve unmistakable examinations instructed the theory. There have been particular reactions of this theory one being two or three specialists have utilized unmistakable structures and have not could affirm the theory there for the hypothesis is said to be method bound beginning late Hertzberg's novel system can maintain the hypothesis. Diverse faultfinders watched it to be exorbitantly valuable that Hertzberg's hypothesis fits so amiably into two boxes, traditional adding to work fulfillment and outward to demolished longing. In the audit by Ewan (1963) found that now and again the cleanliness figure, confounds gone about as satisfiers and satisfiers, accessories brought on both fulfillment and disarray. Looking all the all the more astonishing motivational hypotheses David McClelland Need for Achievement Theory prescribed that a man's particular needs are secured after some time and are kept by a people enlightening encounters. A titanic piece of the necessities can be classed as accomplishment, affiliation, or power. An individuals motivation in a specific business is influenced by these three needs. McCelland expected that having the correct assets accessible, for example, grungy materials, time, having the correct abilities to finish the occupation and in addition having the key support to do what should be done like specialist support, or right data at work, McCelland recognized that paying little character to the probability that two of the three were met that there would at present not ensure motivation and every one of the three must be met to satisfy accommodating motivation. The yearning theory of motivation is by Victor Vroom. Victor Vroom is unmitigated differing to Maslow and Hertzberg, Vroom concentrates on results not on necessities. Aching is the conviction that more exertion will instigate better execution. Looking theorys of motivation I expect that there are particular theories of motivation as there is neither an unavoidable reality hypothesis all appear to graph the stray bits of motivation air it is in a pecking asking for or set in two boxes we when all is said in done in all have a fundamental for the basics in life disregarding accomplishment, announcement and we as a whole in all things considered future more happy and more persuaded to work in better conditions, I recognize that a man has every one of these necessities at or possibly special immediately so there for a couple of theorys are critical to get a more wide learning of motivation and how to breath life into a man at most distant point. Bibliography Beehr, T.A., 2014.Psychological stress in the workplace (psychology revivals). Routledge. Certo, S., 2015.Supervision: Concepts and skill-building. McGraw-Hill Higher Education. Deci, E.L. and Ryan, R.M., 2014. The importance of universal psychological needs for understanding motivation in the workplace.The Oxford handbook of work engagement, motivation, and self-determination theory, pp.13-32. Griffin, M.A. and Hu, X., 2013. How leaders differentially motivate safety compliance and safety participation: the role of monitoring, inspiring, and learning.Safety science,60, pp.196-202. Herzberg, F., 2013. One more time: how do you motivate employees? Havard Bus Rev. SeptemberOctober. Korschun, D., Bhattacharya, C.B. and Swain, S.D., 2014. Corporate social responsibility, customer orientation, and the job performance of frontline employees.Journal of Marketing,78(3), pp.20-37. Niemiec, C.P. and Spence, G.B., 2017. Optimal Motivation at Work.The Wiley Blackwell Handbook of the Psychology of Positivity and Strengths?Based Approaches at Work, pp.82-98. O'Neil, H.F. and Perez, R.S., 2013.Web-based learning: Theory, research, and practice. Routledge. Shah, S.M., Zaidi, S., Ahmed, J. and Rehman, S.U., 2016. Motivation and retention of physicians in primary healthcare facilities: a qualitative study from Abbottabad, Pakistan.International Journal of Health Policy and Management,5(8), p.467. Wright, B.E., Christensen, R.K. and Isett, K.R., 2013. Motivated to adapt? The role of public service motivation as employees face organizational change.Public Administration Review,73(5), pp.738-747.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Elements Of Southern Characteristics In William Faulkner free essay sample

# 8217 ; s # 8220 ; A Rose For Emily # 8221 ; Essay, Research Paper William Faulkner? s authoritative short narrative, ? A Rose for Emily, ? has been noted as an first-class illustration of Southern literature. Southern literature can be defined as literature about the South, written by writers who were reared in the South. Features of southern literature are the importance of household, sense of community, importance of faith, importance of clip, of topographic point, and of the yesteryear, and usage of Southern voice and idiom. Most of the novels are written as a Southerner really speaks. Many books besides describe the historical importance of the Southern town. William Faulkner was a 20th century American writer who won the Nobel Prize for Literature. Most celebrated for his novel The Sound and the Fury, Faulkner defines Southern literature. In his fabulous county of Yaknapatawpha, Faulkner contrasted the yesteryear with the present epoch. The yesteryear was represented in Emily Grierson, Colonel Sartoris, the Board of Alderman, and the Negro retainer. We will write a custom essay sample on Elements Of Southern Characteristics In William Faulkner or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Homer Barron, the new Board of Alderman, and the new sheriff represented the present. Homer was the chief representative of Yankee positions towards the Griersons and the full South, a state of affairs of the present. Emily held the position of the yesteryear as if it were a rose-tinged topographic point where nil would of all time dice. Her universe was already the yesteryear. Whenever the modern times were about to take clasp of her, she retreated to that universe of the yesteryear, and took Homer with her. Her room upstairs was that topographic point, a topographic point where Emily could remain with dead Homer forever as though no decease nor disease could divide them. Homer had lived in the present, and Emily finally conquered that. Emily? s household was a memorial of the yesteryear ; Emily herself was referred to as a? fallen monument. ? She was a relic of Southern breeding and past values. She had been considered fallen because she had been proven susceptible to decease and decay like the remainder of the universe. As for the I mportance of household, Emily was truly close to her male parent. He was really protective of her and highly ruling. The full town had a tableau of the two of them, Miss Emily was a slight figure in white in the background, and her male parent was a sprawled figure in the foreground, his dorsum defensively turned to her and seizing a horsewhip with the dark boundary of the door bordering them. The town besides believed the Griersons held themselves a small excessively high for what they truly were. Miss Emily came away as instead clannish and stuck up, looking to be believing that merely because she was a Grierson she was better than everyone else. The sense of community ties in here because this narrative is fundamentally narrated by the locals, remembered. All the people whispered behind their louvered windows about Miss Emily and her male parent. In the manner this narrative was written, the clip sequence skips about, as if person were really retrieving it at the minute. The storyteller speaks of who attended Miss Emily? s funeral, and so they go back to the narrative of Emily and Homer. The technique of composing as one thinks is known as watercourse of consciousness. The storyteller? s ideas of the narrative look to be jumbled, and the sentiments sometimes contradict themselves. It is assorted to better demo the confusion about clip and world, and how the people want to retrieve it. At Emily? s funeral, the Confederate soldiers recalled wooing Emily and dancing with her when they neer did such a thing. They remembered it as they wanted it to hold happened, and they can make that because no 1 can alter the yesteryear. Faulkner succeeded in composing a work of Southern literature that displays a romantic pull of the yesteryear and the thought that entry to this love affair was a signifier of decease. Thematically, decease conquers all. The narrative of Miss Emily Grierson from Yaknapatawpha County is a narrative picturing the love affair of the South combined with the narrative itself created a captivating ambiance, a universe where no 1 wants to go forth.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

ACT Math Strategy

Plugging in Numbers A Critical SAT/ACT Math Strategy SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips As we mentioned in our math strategy article on plugging in answers, neither the SAT nor the ACT measures how you arrived at your answer. On standardized tests, all that matters is whether your answer is correct or not. There is no such thing as partial credit on a standardized test and no one is looking over your shoulder to see if you solved the question the â€Å"proper† way. This means that finding the right answerno matter the processis the only thing that matters. And there are plenty of short-cut techniques you can use to find that correct answer without the need to create and solve complex equations. This guide will take you through the strategy of plugging in your own numbers, one of simplest processes for working out the answers to several different kinds of standardized math questions. In this guide, we’ll give you a complete walk through on the strategy of plugging your own numbers (PIN) for math questions.We’ll go through the whys, hows, and, most importantly, whens of using PIN your standardized test(s), as well as take you through several real SAT and ACT practice problems. The other best strategy for working around problemsplugging in the answersis covered in a separate guide. Why Use Plugging in Numbers? Sometimes you may find yourself confronted with a problem that you have no idea how to approach. Sometimes you may just think it will take too long to solve the problem algebraically. And other times,you maybegiven so many different variables in a single problem that you want to make absolutely sure you have the correct solution. When this happens, plugging in your own numbers can often help get you to the right answer. It can be intimidating to begiven a question or answer choices with multiple variables, especially when you are on a strict time crunch. But if you use real numbers in place of x or y or a or k(or any other variable), it can make a previously obscure problem turn into one that it quite simple. Using numbers in place of variables can make the more theoretical questions become more practical and easy to visualize, which will allow you to solve them much more easily. For example, (We'll walk through how to solve this question in the next section) It can be very easy to forget that you have the power to replace variables with your own numbers while you’re taking the test. So remember to relax and know that solving a question via complex algebra is not your only option; you have other avenues available that are often much easier to work with. Use any and all advantages you have when battling standardized testing. How to Use Plugging in Numbers So now that you know why plugging in numbers can come in handy, let’s go through exactly how to do it. The basic idea of plugging in your own numbers is that you provide real numbers in place of variables or unknowns in your problem. This technique can work for any problemalgebra or geometryin which you are presented with several unknowns, or variables. The best way to tell if you can use PIN on a question is to look and see if the question, the answer choices, or both involve variables. When the question and/or answer options include variables (especially multiple variables), you can most likely use PIN. Because these kinds of questions are asking about the relationships between numbers (or objects or degrees, etc.), these relationships will be constant, no matter what actual numbers are used. As long as your numbers follow the rules you are presented with in the question, then you can find the right answer using your own numbers. Then, once you’ve picked a number to represent a variable, use that number to solve the original equation. Then use the number you chose for your original variable to replace that same variable in your answer options. By doing this, you can test your answer options and see which answer choices match the result you got for your original equation when you plugged in your own numbers. Don’t worry if this doesn’t make any sense to you yet. We’ll break down the steps using an actual math problem example: We are told that themathematical relationships described above work for all numbers $x, y, z$. This means we are allowed to pick any numbers we would like for $x, y, z$ because any and all numbers must work. We have multiple variables and a complex series of equations. Let's make life easier on ourselves and give each of these variables a number. Let's say that: $x = 2$ $y = 3$ $z = 4$ Now, let's solve our problems in accordance with the rules we were given and see if the equations are equal. The first is: $x⊕y = y⊕ x$ Let's take the left half of the equation first and replace our variables with numbers. $x⊕y$ $2⊕3$ Well, according to our rules, this would be: $2⊕3 =(2)(3) + 2 + 3$ $$ The left half of our equation is. Now let's look at the right half to see if it is equal. $y⊕x$ $3⊕2= (2)(3) + 3 + 2$ $$ Both sides equal , so option I is correct. This means we can eliminate answer choices B and C. Now let's try the equation for option II, using our same numbers for our variables. $(x - 1)⊕(x + 1) = (x⊕x) - 1$ Again, let's take the left side of the equation first. $(x -1)⊕(x + 1)$ $(2 - 1)⊕(2 + 1)$ $1⊕3$ $1⊕3= (1)(3) + 1 + 3$ $7$ So the first half of the equation equals 7. Now let's see if the right half is equal. $(x⊕x) - 1$ $(2⊕2) - 1 = ((2)(2) + 2 + 2) - 1$ $7$ Both sides equal 7, so option II is correct. We can eliminate answer choice A. Finally, let's test the last equation. $x⊕(y + z) = (x⊕y) + (x⊕z)$ Looking at the left side of the equation, we have: $2⊕(3 + 4)$ $2⊕7$ $2⊕7= (2)(7) + 2 + 7$ $23$ The left side of the equation equals 23. Now let's test the right to see if it matches. $(x⊕y) + (x⊕z)$ $(2⊕3) = (2)(3) + 2 + 3$ $$ And $2⊕4 = (2)(4) + 2 + 4$ $14$ We are told to addthe two together, which gets us: $ + 14 = 25$ The left half of our equation was 23 and the right half was 25. The two expressions not equal, so option III is incorrect. This means our final answer is D, I and II are the only correct equations for all values of $x, y, z$. Again, we were able to choose all of our own numbers for this problem, but this will not universally be the case. Always pay attention to when you have the leeway to choose your own numbers for multiple (or all) variables, and when you must choose a number for only one variable and solve for the rest. The reason we were allowed to choose numbers for every variable above was because the problem told us the equations were true for all numbers. This meant that any numbers we chose followed the rules as outlined by the problem. You will be able to tell when you can plug in numbers for multiple variables because the problem will specifically tell you that "all numbers" or "all integers" must work in place of yourvariables. This gives you free reign to pick your numbers with impunity. If you don't see the words "all numbers" or "all integers"in the question, then you may only use your own number for one variable and solve for the rest. This will keep the variables following their defined rules and keep the relationships between them intact. Now let's look at a problem where we CANNOT pick our own numbers for every variable: Because we are not told that this problem works for "all numbers," we know we must choose our own number for just one variable and solve for the rest. In this problem, I've chosen to replace$v$ with my own number. Why $v$? Because $v$ shows up in the middle equation and so will be usefulfor finding our other variables. We can also see that $v = 4t$, so let's give $v$ a number that is divisible by 4. (Note: we do not HAVE to make $v$ divisible by 4, but it makes lifeeasier forus, as it means we will bedealingwith integers rather than decimals.) Solet's just say that $v = 8$. If we replace every $v$ with the number 8, our first equation would look like: $x = 3v$ $x = 3(8)$ $x = 24$ So we know now that, when $v = 8$, $x = 24$. Now for our second equation: $v = 4t$ $8 = 4t$ $t = 2$ So, when $x = 24$ and $v = 8$, $t$ will be 2. And finally, let's look at the last equation using our newly found numbers for $x$ and $t$. $x = pt$ $24 = p(2)$ $p = 12$ So $p$ equals 12. But wait! Maybe you think $p$ equals 12only in this this one instance and that it would equal something else had we chosen a different number for $v$. Well let's test it. Let's say that $v = 20$ instead of 8. $x = 3v$ $x = 3(20)$ $x = 60$ And our second equation: $v = 4t$ $20 = 4t$ $t = 5$ And finally, our last equation: $x = pt$ $60 = p(5)$ $p = 12$ As you can see, no matter what value we choose for one of our variables, $p$ will always equal 12 as long as we keep the relationships between the variables intact. So our final answer is 12, $p = 12$ Using PINcan be like having your own personal decoder ring. Tips and Tricksfor PIN Now that you know how PIN works,you can use it more quickly and accurately by using these tips for your ACT and SAT math questions: Tip 1) When using PIN, your best bet is to testeach and every answer choice, even after one of the answers matches the one you got for your original equation. Why should we do this? Because sometimes when we choose our own numbers, we can get multiple answer options that work. Let's say for this problem that you randomly chose 95 to be your two digit number for $x$. If: $x = 95$, then the tens digit $t = 9$, and the units digit $u = 5$. We are told that $y$ is the number found by reversing the digits, so when $x = 95$, $y = 59$. And finally, we are searching for the value of $x -y$. Using our numbers: $x - y = 95 - 59$ $x - y = 36$ Now let us test our answer options using the numbers we have found for our variables and see which one matches 36. F. $9(t - u)$ $9(9 - 5)$ $9(4)$ $36$ Answer F works! (We can also eliminate answer choice K right now, because $36≠  0$). G. $9(u - t)$ $9(5 - 9)$ $9(-4)$ $-36$ Answer G has been eliminated. H. $9t - u$ $9(9) - 5$ $81 - 5$ $76$ Answer choice H has been eliminated. J. $9u - t$ $9(5) - 9$ $45 - 9$ $36$ Uh-oh! We found 36 for both F and J. When this happens, we must choose a different number or set of numbers in order to eliminate the answer that only works sometimes. Our goal is to findthe answer that works always and no matter what. But now that we have chosen a different set of numbers, do we have to test each answer choice again? Nope! We already know that G, H and K didn’t work last time, so they won’t be our final answer. Again, weare looking for the answer that works every time. Only test F and J again. Instead of $x = 95$, let's say that $x = 43$ (Again, this number is entirely random and can be anything you'd like). If $x = 43$, then $t = 4$ and $u = 3$. It also means that $y$, as the reverse of $x$, will be 34. $x - y = 43 - 34$ $x - y = 9$ So now we are looking for the answer choices that match 9. So let us once more test F and J. F. $9(t - u)$ $9(4 - 3)$ $9(1)$ $9$ Looking pretty good for answer choice F. But let's look at J as well. J. $9u - t$ $9(3) - 4$ $27 - 4$ $23$ Success! We can eliminate answer choice J now and feel confident that F (and only F) will work no matter our values for $x$ and $y$. So our final answer is F, $9(t - u)$ Tip 2) When plugging in your own numbers,avoid using the numbers 1 or 0. It can be very easy to get multiple right answers or very screwy answers when using 1 or 0, so it is best to avoid them. For example, let's look again at the first problem we saw: Now let's say that we had said $x = 0$, $y = 1$, and $z = 2$. For the sake of saving time, the first two equations are still correct, but now let's look at the third. $x⊕(y + z) = (x⊕y) + (x⊕z)$ First, let's look at the left half of the equation: $x⊕(y + z)$ $0⊕(1 + 2)$ $0⊕3$ $0⊕3= (0)(3) + 0 + 3$ $3$ Now let's look at the right half of the equation: $(x⊕y) + (x⊕z)$ $(x⊕y)$ $0⊕1 = (0)(1) + 0 + 1$ $1$ And $(x⊕z)$ $0⊕2 = (0)(2) + 0 + 2$ $2$ So when we add them together, we get: $1 + 2 = 3$ This means that both sides of the equation are equal, which would mean that I, II, AND III were all correct. And we already proved when we did this question earlier that III is actually incorrect. (Remember, the answer choices must work every single time.) If we had used 0 and/or 1 in place of our variables, we would have gotten the question wrong. We would have chosen answer E, when really answer D is correct. Tip 3) Good numbers to use when working with percentages are 100 or 10, as most percentages questions involve you having to manipulate them around. Using nice, round numbers can make life easy for you. Alice has been collecting sea shells for many years. From 2009 to 2010, she increased her collection by 30%. From 2010 to 2012, she added another 20% to her collection. But in 2014, she had to move away and get rid of 50% of her collection. What percentage of her original shell collection did Alice end up with? 75 78 100 150 156 Let's say, for the sake of a nice round number and a good one to use with percentages, that Alice started out with 100 shells. If she increased her collection by 30% from 2009 to 2010, then she would have $100 + 100(0.3) = 130$ shells in 2010. If she then increased her collection by another 20% from 2010 to 2012, she woud have $130 + 130(0.2) = 156$ shells in 2012. Now, she must get rid of 50% (half) of her shells. $156 - 156(0.5) = 78$ So she is left with 78 shells. And, since we used 100 for her original amount, we do not have to fiddle with finding percentages. We can simply see that she is left with 78% of her original collection. So our final answer is B, 78. One day Alice may feelthat she has enough sea shells. Today is not that day. When to Use Plugging in Numbers Because it is best to test out each answer option when using PIN, it can often take longer to solve a question this way than by using algebra alone. Sometimes you can check all the answers at a glance, which will save time, but whether or not using PIN will eat up more time than it saves truly depends on the question This question would be a slow PIN. If you don't remember how to FOIL and you are fuzzy on your rules for multiplying and subtracting integers and variables, then go ahead and use PIN here. But if you are at all comfortable with the above mathematical concepts, then simply work with your variables and save using PIN for another occasion. As a demonstration, see how fast it is to use algebra here: $(4z + 3)(z - 2)$ $(4z *z) + (4z * -2) + (3 * z) + (3 * -2)$ $4z^2 - 8z + 3z - 6$ $4z^2 - 5z - 6$ So your answer is J. On the other hand, look how slow the process is using PIN: Let's say our $z$ value is 4. $(4z + 3)(z - 2)$ $(4(4) + 3)(4 - 2)$ $(19)(2)$ $38$ So we are looking for an answer choice that matches 38. F. $4z^2 - 5$ $4(4^2) - 5$ $64 - 5$ $59$ Option F is too large, so we can eliminate it. We can also eliminate option G because we can see that it would be 58, which is still too large. H. $4z^2 - 3z - 5$ $4(4^2) - 3(4) - 5$ $64 - 12 - 5$ $47$ We can eliminate option H, as it is still too large. J. $4z^2 - 5z - 6$ $4(4^2) - 5(4) - 6$ $64 - 20 - 6$ $38$ We have found an answer that matches our original equation. This could be our right answer, but let's look at option K to make sure we don't have duplicate correct answers. At a glance, we can tell that option K ($4z^2 + 5z - 6$) would be too large, because we would be adding 20 to 64. This means we can comfortably eliminate it. So our final answer is J. Though we were still able to find our answer, it took noticeably longer using PIN. Basically, don't be afraid to use PIN to help you through a test, butmake sure you useit in places that will help you the most and get you to the right answer in the shortest amount of time. Now let's look at a quick PIN problem. This is a problem you can mostly do in your head using PIN. For example, give $a$ and $b$ small numbers and then you can work out your answer choicesfairly quickly. Let's say that $a = 2$ and $b = 3$. Using those numbers, we know then that the absolute value of $a - b = 1$. Why? Because $a - b$ = $2 - 3 = -1$ and absolute values make anything contained in them positive. (For more info on this, check out our guides to advanced integers on the ACT and SAT) So we can tell straight away that F is incorrect, as that would be 5. This means G is also incorrect, as it would be -5. H would be an imaginary number, as it is the square root of a negative. J would be a negative number. Only K makes sense and we can see for ourselves that it is correct. $-(2 - 3) = +1$, which is the answer we are looking for. So our final answer is K. See how we were able to solve thesecond questionnoticeably faster using PIN? As you do more and more ACT and SAT math practice problems, you'll better be able to intuit when to use PIN (and when to use algebra or skip the question entirely) as you go through your test. As a general rule, if you have a lot of spare time per section, then go ahead and use PIN! It may even save you time going back and double-checking your work (though it never hurts to be extra sure and double-check anyway). If, however, you find yourself running short on time, you may want to save using PIN for these circumstances only: 1) You cannot find a way to solve the problem without using PIN If you have absolutely no idea how to approach a problem, definitely use PIN! If you forget a math rule or equation, you can still find the answer with PIN. Often, you won’t have to know the rules for manipulating multiple variables or the rules for exponents, etc., if you can circumvent the question entirely by going straight to using your own numbers. 2) You have enough spare time that you can spend the extra using PIN If you’ve gone quickly and accurately enough through earlier sections, go ahead and let yourself have the extra seconds per question that PIN uses. Though the difference between an algebraic solve and a PIN solve may not be more than 30 or 40 seconds, that time can add up fast. Always be sure you are using your time to your best advantage to get the most points possible across the board. If you feel you are completely running short on time, however, check out our articles on how to buy yourself extra time on both the SATand the ACT. 3) You want to double-check your answer PIN can often act as its own question double-checker. This can sometimes help off-set the extra time PIN eats up, but don’t always count on this. Because you found the answer by testing it out using real numbers instead of variables, you don’t have to plug more numbers into the equation to make sure it worksyou already know it works! You’ve both solved your question and double-checked to make sure it was accurate all in one. 4) You feel that you may have found the wrong answer using algebraic methods Maybe you started in on the question right away with algebra and got halfway through before you felt that you had taken a wrong turn somewhere. Maybe you know you tend to get distributing questions or exponent questions wrong. Maybe the algebra equation you set up spit out an answer that didn’t come close to any that were provided (or worsemaybe the answer you found was just slightly off). If questions with multiple variables tend to trip you up, this means it’s probably a good idea to switch your method and try using PIN. 5) The question lies in a question range in which you have previously made several errors If you have taken a practice SAT or ACT and discovered that you generally start to make mistakes around the halfway or three-quarter mark, switch your tactics to PIN instead of algebraic methods in this section in order to increase your score. It can be slower, but it will be more accurate and you won’t have to spend as much time double-checking your work. The more practice you get using PIN, the more you'llknow when to hold 'em (and use PIN) and when to walk away. Can I Always Use Plugging in Numbers? Unfortunately some questions can NOT be solved by plugging in answers. Again, when the question and/or answer options include variables, you can oftenuse PIN. If, however, your answers use numbersintegers, decimals, or fractionsyour best bet is probably to use the strategy of plugging in answers. Most questions (though not all) can be solved using one of these two strategies. To demonstrate the broad range of question types that both PIA and PIN can cover, let us look real SAT and ACT math questions and how to solve them using PIA and PIN. Test Your Knowledge: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5)In the figure above, $z = 50$. What is the value of $x + y$? 90 130 180 210 230 Answers: A, B, D, E Answer Explanations: 1) In this first problem, we are dealing with the costa boat for $x$ amount of dollars split first 3 ways and then 4. To make life easier on ourselves, let's pick a number for $x$ that is divisible by both 3 and 4, so that we do not have to work with decimals. So let's say that the cost of buyinga boat ($x$) is 120 dollars. Now, we are asked how much less it is per person to divide the cost by 4 instead of by 3. So let us divide 120 by both and find the difference. $120/3 = 40$ $120/4 = 30$ $40 - 30 = 10$ So, when the boat costs 120 dollars, each member of the group will pay 10 dollars less when the cost is split 4 ways instead of 3 ways. Now let us test our answer options to see which one matches 10 dollars. A. $x/12$ $120/12 = 10$ Answer A matches the answer we got. But before we celebrate, let us look over the other answer options to make sure there are no duplicate right answers. Options B and C would be too large. Ifour number for $x$ divided by 12 was perfect, then that same number divided by 3 or 4 would be much larger. Option E would also be enormous and far greater than 10 (as it is $x$ multiplied by 7), so that is out as well. We can also and finally eliminate option D. We found our correct answer simply by dividing our $x$ value by 12. If we multiplied and then divided, that number would be much larger. So our final answer is A, $x/12$ 2) We need to find 75% of $m$ and $k$ percent of 25 (which we are told are equal). Instead of using decimals and fractions (and potentially getting ourselves confused), let us assign a number for $k$. If we say, as a random choice, that $k = 60$, then we are finding 60% of 25. $25 * 0.6 = 15$ And we know that this number (15) is 75% of $m$. So, to find $m$, we would say: ${15 * 100}/75 = 20$ So we have: $k = 60$ $m = 20$ Now, we are asked to find $m/k$ $20/60 = 1/3$ So our final answer is B, $1/3$ 3) Here, we need to know the difference between $t$ and $t^2$. So let us say that $t = 3$. (Why didn't we use 2 for $t$? Because, occasionally, using 2 for questions about squares and roots can give us duplicate right answers. For now, we are using 3 to reduce the possibility of needing to start over and select a different number, but we will look over what would have happened had we used 2 at the end of the problem.) So, if $t = 3$, then $t^2 = 9$ The difference, then, between $t$ and $t^2$: $9 - 3 = 6$ So we are looking for an answer option that matches 6. Answers A, B, and C are all eliminated for being too small (answer C $= t = 3$). Answer D is $t(t - 1)$ $3(3 - 1)$ $3(2)$ $6$ Answer D is correct, but let's look at answer E to make sure D is our only correct answer.Answer E is $(t - 1)(t + 1)$ $(3 - 1)(3 + 1)$ $(2)(4)$ $8$ This does not match, which means D is our only possible correct answer. So our final answer is D,$t(t - 1)$ (But what would have happened if we had used $t = 2$ instead of $t = 3$? Well $t^2 = 2^2 = 4$ and the difference between $t^2$ and $t$ would have been $4 - 2 = 2$. So answers B, C, and D would have all been correct. When this happens, simply choose a different number, like $t = 3$ and test B, C, and D again.) 4) PIN can be used for both straight algebra problems and for geometry problems. As long as the numbers we choose follow the rules of geometry, then we should always get the right answer. So here we have a triangle and we know one angle measure ($z = 50$). So let us give a value for each of the other angles inside the triangle. If $z = 50$, then the other two angles have to add up to $180 - 50 = 130$. So let's call the angle next to $x$ 100, and the angle next to $y$ 30. If the angle next to $x$ is 100, and it createsa straight line with $x$, then $x = 180 - 100 = 80$ And if the angle next to $y$ is 30 and it creates a straight line with $y$, then $y = 180 - 30 = 150$ $x = 80$ and $y = 150$ Together, they equal: $80 + 150 = 230$ So our final answer is E, 230. Remember to always give your brain time to rest and recover while studying. You worked hard, so don't be afraid to take a little break. The Take-Aways The strategy of plugging in your own numbers can be invaluable if you find yourself confronted with a problem you don’t know how to solve algebraically, or if you want to make absolutely sure you have the correct answer. The drawback, however, is that PIN can eat up extra time. If you make sure to use your plugging-in strategies wisely and save them for times in which you need them most, you will likely find yourself solving problems you were never able to before. What’s Next? Now that you’ve gone through the ins and outs of PIN, make sure you know the other techniques for navigating standardized math questions. Be sure to check out our article on plugging in answers (PIA) to get a complete picture for how to circumvent using complex algebra on the SAT and ACT. Running out of time on ACT or SAT math? Look no further than how to buy time on SAT math and how to buy time on ACT math. Want to get a perfect score? Check out our article on how to get an 800 on the SAT math section and how to get a 36 on the ACT math section, both written by a perfect scorer. Want to improve your SAT score by 240 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Sunday, November 24, 2019

261 James Baldwin and Going to Meet the Man Professor Ramos Blog

261 James Baldwin and Going to Meet the Man James Baldwin (1924 1987) Quick Write What are some themes you noticed in Going to Meet the Man? James Baldwin (1924 1987) From his debate with William F. Buckley Going to Meet the Man Themes Characters Plot Quotes Purpose We teach racism.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Management science Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Management science - Coursework Example It only picks one value from the highest state of nature. b. Using the minmax regret, we use the regret table whereby the highest values of the loss for the pounds supplied is taken. In this case, we have $120 for 20 pounds, $105 for 25 pounds, $60 for 40 pounds and $80 for 60 pounds. So picking the lowest value from the obtained maximum losses, we get $60 for 40 pounds. So by supplying 40 pounds Geoffrey will make minimum losses. When there is a single doctor working in the emergency room, and he takes 5minutes to attend to one patient, therefore it means that the doctor will serve 12 patients in an hour. Since the arrival rate of the patients is 14/hour, then a queue is expected. When another doctor is introduced and are working together, that means it is a single model. The appropriate operating characteristic for this single queue model is the average number of patients waiting to see a doctor and in this case it should not be more than 6 patients. The model has an arrival rate which is exponentially distributed and the patients follow the first come first served. The formula above is used to show the expected number of patients in the queue. The administrator wants at most six patients in the queue and the least number of doctors required to meet the requirement will be given by substituting Lq with 6 (Lq

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Canada's Maple Leaf Bust Crack Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Canada's Maple Leaf Bust Crack - Essay Example Articles by the media in the summer of 2008 covered reports on the outbreak showing colorful slips of a ‘listeriosis investigation’ eventually turned to entire wrenched, gray pieces such as â€Å"Sorry Situation† (Brent, 2008). In December following the summer which became a funeral mourning 22 million deaths upon the eating of cold-cuts sold by Maple Leaf Food’s two tainted lines at the entity’s Toronto headquarters, a $27 million-dollar class action lawsuit disabling a company which had already suffered a deficit that semester, the report fell that safety measures had shattered. Litigation inched its way into the top Canadian food-processing industry as the sentient illness forced its way across papers, the public opinion crying out a public timeline: â€Å"Listeriosis Outbreak in Toronto Now Linked to Five Deaths† (Ewing, 2008) in August, â€Å"Sorry Situation† (Brent, 2008), for September’s glow, and October’s gold-ree l, â€Å"Maple Leaf finds new listeria cases† (Elliott, 2008). President and chief-executive of the mega multi-billion dollar service-issuer in a clear concise way emulated a stream of heartfelt warmth to the public betwixt the sparkling timeline filled with protocol and positive results. In 2004 an article by Salvage entitled, â€Å"Petite hams pack a punch: smaller products are designed for on-the-go families,† excited consumers before four years along the timeline later another enchantment, â€Å"Maple Leaf designs pigs for markets† (Bertin, 2001), again stole the market. ... Total net revenue earnings were stunted by comparison with the previous year of 2005 in the range of $48.6 million and $815.9 million as opposed to the prior offsetting $101.9 and $800.8 million of agribusiness income and sales. Yet a hardwood-smoked, boneless, two pound ham offered a beautiful competition, on which a new sensation was being brought up, which elevated flexibility, color-binding, color and protein maximization at the foreground of a link between restructuring costs and Maple Leaf food designs, which was gaining speed in the race of the farmer’s market phenomenon. As all members of the now global indiscriminate ravager that has made its unique debut as the food industry must fall under the trick eventually, all facets indubitably must be tempted by that dollar which is called progress. Maple Leaf Incorporations won a nationally-esteemed award which bounded off its renovated products in 2011. While unpredictability should no doubt be a factor after the outbreak t wo years earlier, Canada’s grocer spontaneously waltzed to the front of the better end of its crisis quite literally, as the informational media announcement on paper specified in the heading called, â€Å"Contrite Maple Leaf vaults to forefront of food safety,† Sperber’s 2010 praise that detailed management’s proactive response to the fiasco two years prior. Even still Maple Leaf’s attempts at safety protocols and mandates before the widespread incident was in a small way commendable. In a spill of paramount thanks to the company’s chief executive and President Michael McCain, who inarguably urged to employ higher-tech equipment to ensure 2002 meat safety, Maple Leaf won the Annual Food Safety Leadership Award in 2006. Such cannot provide though, to that

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Financing Health Care in the US Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Financing Health Care in the US - Term Paper Example prior to delving into the intricate issues and concerns that the government is trying to address to improve its present stance. Thereby, from among the scholarly articles reviewed on the subject, the suggestions and recommendations of various authors would be revealed in conjunction with one’s personal assessment on the subject of this discourse. There are two types of access to the delivery of health care services in any nation: through the public or private sectors. Generally, the private sector in any health care system of a nation consists of divergent nongovernmental institutions of an array of levels and dimensions. Public health is predominantly financed with funds from the government that is solicited from public sources such as tax revenues. The health care in the United States is dominantly serviced and administered by private health institutions where no public hospitals are deemed owned and operated by the federal government. As revealed by Holstein and Litzinger (2008, 15), â€Å"in the U.S., the rapid rise in health care cost and low access are widely recognized as twin problems. Health care reform in this country first focused on cost containment through managed care to make health insurance affordable, and then shifted to expanding access to coverage at the state level without doing away with the private health insurance market†. This fact was likewise validated by Siegel, Mead and Burke (2008) who noted the parallel contentions in the rising costs of health care services coupled with the increasing number of Americans who are uninsured. Health insurance can actually be availed through an employed individual’s employer or through the employers of either the spouse or parents’, as applicable. Health insurance can also be purchased individually depending on one’s capacity or financial status, and the required scope and contents of health insurance coverage. The problem is

Friday, November 15, 2019

Haleeb Foods Company Analysis

Haleeb Foods Company Analysis Haleeb foods limited, formerly known as Chaudhry dairies was formed in 1985. It is one of the fastest growing companies since its inception. The core product of the company has always been packaged milk but it currently operates in several other food product categories. It has continued to provide high quality products to its customers and is one of the first companies In Pakistan to use tetra packs innovative packaging technology. It is principally engaged in processing and sale of toned milk, milk powder, allied dairy products and fruit juices. (Haleeb Foods Intern Report, 2012) It was founded back in 1985 with a total capacity of 80000 liters per day and has two production plants. The main production facility is at Bhai Pheru, known as the BHP (Bhai Pheru Plant). Due to its tremendous success and a high demand for its products especially Haleeb Milk the company set up another plant at Rahim Yar khan. The RYK plant is a state of the art facility. Covering an area of over 72 acres the plant it equipped with the latest technology and was a very fine project that Haleeb Foods undertook. Liquid milk was the first product produced at the company and was a huge success. There were around 20 to 25 other dairy companies operating in Pakistan at that time but Haleeb as a company was still able to stand out of the clutter. It was an incredible team of over 700 employees at the BHP and an outstanding marketing team that contributed to this success. Haleeb foods has segmented its product portfolio into multiple brands including Haleeb, Candia and Tropico. Haleeb is the flagship brand of the company. Haleeb UHT milk is available in five SKUs of Tetra pack packaging. (Irfan, 2012) Due to its strong positioning of being the thickest milk best for tea and the highest top of mind awareness in the dairy industry of Pakistan the company has been able to increase its sales and has had a significant consumer and trade penetration of the brand. It is also available in Tetra Fino packaging under the brand of Dairy queen. By strictly following the quality control measures the company was also one of the first few companies in Pakistan to get ISO certified. This had a huge impact on the perceived quality of its customers and help boost sales in its early years. The company has also been a pioneer in introducing the tetra pack Fino packaging and introducing sterilized milk in the country. The company has diversified into multiple products and a vast product line over the years. The basic product line extension includes products like Haleeb Cream, Haleeb Butter, Haleeb Asli Desi Ghee, Daizy yoghurt, Candia, Just fruit, Tropico juice, Haleeb Labban, Haleeb Funday juice, Haleeb Good day etc. The company entered into a franchise agreement with Caddilac France and launched Candia milk in 1999. Candia was available in two variants i.e. Candia classic (a tea whitener) and Candia candy up (flavored milk) for kids. This was a successful venture before the company started to underperform. Today Haleeb Foods no longer produces Candia. The company has a vast distribution network covering a number of cities across Pakistan. This is one factor that contributed positively to its success and help the company build an ever growing consumer network. Initially Haleeb also started to export some of its products to countries like Korea, Hong Kong, Middle East, China, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, UK and U.S.A but due to its poor financial performance in the more recent years it could not continue this for long. The primary reason for its success was the huge emphasis the company laid on continually improving its quality and following very strict quality control measures. The quality certifications that Haleeb as a company has are as follows: HACCP (In process controls for safer products) ISO 9001(Better quality for higher customer satisfaction) ISO 14001(Environment friendly operations) The company was able to in cash these certifications for quite some time before the quality of its products stared to deteriorate and was questioned by the customers and its distributors. The company has its operations largely centralized at its head office which is located at 135 Ferozpur Road Lahore. Most of its departments are based at the head office for example finance, marketing, human resources, sales, administration and information technology. The remaining however are based at its Bhai Pheru Plant. Regional offices of the company are spread across the country in cities like Rawalpindi, Karachi, Peshawar, Quetta and Rahim Yar Khan. This facilitates its distribution and eventually sales. VISION: Optimizing resources to deliver sustainable growth3 MISSION STATEMENT: Productivity: Be a highly efficient effective organization People: Develop a team of passionate and committed individuals whose goals are completely aligned with the corporate objectives Portfolio: Maintain a portfolio designed to meet changing consumer expectations by delivering nutritious and high quality food solutions in a cost effective manner Profit: Maximize long term return to shareholders while being ethically responsible Partners: Develop sustainable and mutually beneficial relationships with customers, suppliers and other stakeholders Planet: Be a responsible corporate entity by helping build sustainable communities3 CORPORATE VALUES: Integrity and Ethics: For more than two decades, Haleeb Foods Ltd (HFL) has emerged as a company that believes in fair dealing, honesty and reliability. Members of Haleeb family are determined to observe and follow the utmost ethical standards required for any business to run smoothly. This is reflected in the daily functions, where all employees are facilitated with equal opportunities, barring any differentiation on the basis of gender, religion, cast, color and other variables. We are focused towards promoting the merit-based culture, assuming it to be a fundamental pillar for success. We take pride in how we conduct the business, while consistently emboldening everyone to do the right thing at all hours. (Haleeb Foods Ltd., 2012) Pursuit of Excellence: We at Haleeb Foods Ltd (HFL) are geared towards delivering exceptional performance consistently. We achieve this by maintaining a competitive spirit throughout, which helps us in elevating our business in terms of profitability, growth and accomplishing inspiring levels of success. Our primary focus is to serve our consumers with the best value for their money. Irrespective of the economic conditions, we do not hesitate in challenging boundaries and rather excel with hope. (Haleeb Foods Ltd., 2012) Empowerment and Accountability: Management at Haleeb Foods believes in providing employees with avenues through which sense of ownership is created and authority is delegated. This not only boosts the morale of an individual but also helps in contributing towards efficiency and productivity. Empowerment results in devolution of trust and establishment of a healthy working environment. Delegating responsibility does not abandon personal accountability. Thus, in order to enjoy an effective and desirable outcome, competent monitoring processes are practiced, where each employee takes responsibility for their respective decisions. (Haleeb Foods Ltd., 2012) Cooperative Spirit: Admitting the importance of teamwork, Haleeb Foods Ltd passionately promotes the culture of sharing knowledge and working collectively. The concept of working with coordination comes in handy for reaping benefits from pooled talent and expertise ultimately resulting in higher productivity. We provide a platform, where going an extra mile to accomplish team objectives is a common routine. Simultaneously, personal satisfaction amongst employees is achieved. To add further value to our work practices, experienced and capable counseling is provided that enables employees to work under a shared vision. (Haleeb Foods Ltd., 2012) Environment, Health and Safety: Haleeb Foods Ltd has successfully managed to align its goals with procedures that prioritize and comply with employee safety and health. Acknowledging the paramount significance and vitality of human capital for ensuring a successful business, the company arranges wellness programs sided by comprehensive safety literature to educate the employees about safe working environment. HFL facilitates employees with prompt first aid service and medical treatment, accompanied by periodical medical check-up, a trained team for fire-fighting, emergency exit drills, employee/workers locker management and laundry management. Last but not the least; Haleeb is privileged with ISO 9001-2008, 14001 and 2200 certifications. (Haleeb Foods Ltd., 2012) Corporate Social Responsibility: Haleeb Foods Ltd encourages its employees to contribute consistently and positively towards a better standard of life, not merely for its customers but also for the community. Not assuming profitability to be the only business objective, Haleeb foods has integrated its operations with activities that help giving back to the community. In order to be recognized as a socially active entity, Haleeb Foods has supported the project of MEDA Pakistan; Pathways and Purse strings. Besides empowering the less advantaged, Haleeb Foods Ltd is also cautious about being environment friendly, through strict obedience of waste reduction and numerous other practices. (Haleeb Foods Ltd., 2012) MANAGEMENT TEAM: Designation Name Chief Executive Officer Faisal Imran Hussain Malik Director Finance Basit Humayun Chairman Ilyas M Chaudhry Senior Manager Human Resource Salman Nawazish General Manager Sales Khurram Mehr Malik Brand Manager Naveed Ali Shigri General Manager Plant Farooq Ayub Khan Manager RD Rao Muhammad Imran Manager Warehouse Logistics Muhammad Ali Shahid Head of Supply Chain Rizwan Ahmad Head of Technical Haseeb Ahmed Malik COMPETITORS: Pakistans FMCG sector is largely dominated by the two big giants namely Nestle and Engro Foods. Both are huge firms with a large customer base and operating very successfully in different products categories. Haleeb Foods has faced immense competition from these firms. Nestle and Engro are both highly profitable with Nestle, a multinational company being the market leader with a very diverse product portfolio. Products like Milk pack, Olpers and Good milk have posed a serious threat to Haleeb milk. Currently however, considering the economic and political conditions of the country no firm is performing at its full potential. High inflation rates, rising oil prices, power shortages have all contributed to the closing down of many ventures. The competitors are also having a difficulty in surviving in this tough environment. By focusing on making its processes and policies Haleeb can improve its competitive position and rise again. It has to have a strong product portfolio and a very constructed marketing plan to regain its lost fame and success. PRODUCT CATEGORIES: Haleeb as a company has always placed its customers first. In an attempt to fulfill the ever changing needs and meet the increasing demands of its customers the company has diversified its product portfolio gradually over the years. Many products like Candia milk and Skimz milk that were present in the market before are no longer available and have been replaced by new products. The company has upgraded many of its recipes and re-launched a couple of products in an attempt to better meet the needs of its target market. Some of the latest product categories at Haleeb are: UHT Milk: Haleeb was the first company that introduced UHT milk in Pakistan. The UHT milk category currently includes Haleeb milk only. Haleeb Milk is homogenized and standardized milk which is safely packaged using the Tetra packs latest packaging technology. It has a shelf life of about 3 months or more and is one of the most famous and best selling brands in the Haleeb family. It is produced on different SKUs like the Haleeb 250ml, Haleeb 500ml and so on. Skimz was another product in the UHT milk category which was mainly targeting the diet conscious people has now been removed from the portfolio as a result of the financial issues faced at the company. It was positioned primarily as a perfect source of calcium and vitamins for stronger bones and healthier individuals. In addition to its high calcium content, Skimz was also good for maintaining an individuals blood pressure. Beverages: Several products are produced at the Haleeb production plant as part of the beverage category. Some well-known beverages include Just fruit, Fun milk, Tropico and Haleeb doodh. Just fruit, as the name suggests is a fruity drink produced using farm fresh fruits. It is available in a wide variety of flavors including Apple, Orange, Mango and Grapes. It is a ready to drink beverage available in a small 200ml pack. Fun milk was primarily targeted at the kids. It has always been believed that children should have a high intake of milk as it is good for their health. It makes their bones strong providing them with the necessary calcium content but unfortunately not many kids really like drinking milk. This was the basic idea behind the launch of this product. It offered several variants including chocolate, strawberry and vanilla. Again it was available in a 200ml pack. Haleeb doodh was again flavored milk available in chocolate, strawberry, almond and cardamom flavors. The primary difference in Haleeb doodh and fun milk was the packaging. Haleeb doodh was targeted at the adults where as fun milk was positioned as milk for only kids. Tropico, in addition to being available in a 200ml pack is also available in a 1000ml family pack. It is positioned as pure juice nectar available in Mango, Orange and Apple flavors. Chilled Dairy: The chilled dairy segment is has products under a common brand name DAIZY. It includes Daizy yogurt, butter, cheese and raita. Daizy yogurt is a naturally sweetened yogurt packaged carefully to preserve its natural goodness. It is considered good for enhancing the immune system and for the digestive system. Daizy yogurt is available in 200gm and 400gm shrink wrapped trays. Daizy butter is another very healthy dairy product produced at the Haleeb factory. Butter is made of pure natural fats and has a high content of vitamin A and D. It is made on different tetra pack SKUs and is thus available in five sizes ranging from 20g to 1000gm. Daizy cheese is a milk based product. It gives your pizzas sandwiches etc a much better taste and is one of the best selling products at Haleeb. It is made in 2kg packs, 1kg pack and 200gm pack. Each pack contains a fixed number of wrapped cheese slices. Daizy raita is a variation in the traditional yogurt. Keeping in mind the Pakistani culture the company came up with this product a few years ago. Pakistani people love to have raita with a lot of these meals so it Daizy raita serves as a readymade raita enhances every food moment and makes their food taste delicious. Fats: A number of products with a high fat content are also produced at Haleeb. Fat is a bi product of processed milk and the company utilizes it to the fullest. Two main fat based products that complement the overall portfolio are Asli desi ghee and Haleeb cream. Haleeb Asli Desi Ghee is made of pure natural butter. The butter is processed further by heating it and the result is incredible. It is again targeting the Pakistani market and a large target audience as is considered very healthy and nourishing. Also the product has a shelf life of 1 year which facilitates its distribution and contributes positively to its sale. It is available in three sizes namely 2kg, 5kg and 16kg. Haleeb cream is one product produced at the Haleeb plant which contributing to its overall profitability even today. The research and development department has worked really hard to make the cream competitive and do well in the market. The product is positioned as healthy, nutritious product that has a smooth texture and tastes delicious. It is available in 200ml pack and has a shelf life of 6 months. Whitener: Tea whiteners are increasingly being used around the globe as a substitute to fresh milk. Tea max is considered one of the best in this category. Haleeb tea max is a product that is primarily targeting SEC C and has done very well in the market. It has generated enormous sales volumes for the company and is considered the best in its category. It is available in 200ml and 250ml packs. It has a shelf life of three months. Dairy queen is also targeted at the lower class of the society. It is a relatively cheaper product and is packed in pouches to reduce the cost and price further. It is a standardized, homogenized product with 3.5% fat and 8.5% non fat content. It is available in a 6 layered Tetra pack fino packaging and has a shelf life of 3 months. MANUFACTURING PROCESS AT HALEEB Haleeb Foods Limited has its own manufacturing and production facilities as mentioned above. The current operational plant at Bhai Pheru is highly efficient. It is generally perceived that packaged milk is unhealthy and not good for use however Haleeb ensures consistent and good quality products by having an efficient manufacturing process. The process for making Haleeb milk is as follows: Collection of raw milk Testing Pasteurization Standardization Homogenization Sterilization Ultra heat treatment (UHT) Packing It is only after following all these steps that Haleeb milk is made available to the end users. The company has a number of milk collection centers where raw milk is delivered by gawalas, small scale farmers and some milk providing companies. This milk is tested for its acceptance at the milk collection centers. There are 14 tests that are conducted to ensure good quality at this level. Once the milk is collected, company owned trucks collect this milk from different centers and bring it to the BHP. Here the milk is again tested and then pasteurized, standardized and homogenized before finally being packed using Tetra pack Fino machines. CURRENT SCENARIO AT HALEEB FOODS LTD Haleeb started off as a very successful business venture but unfortunately could not sustain its high profitability and success. Companys profitability started to decline over the years along with the quality of its products. The Rahim Yar Khan project had a huge impact on the companys financial position and although it is a state of the art facility, its still not operational today. Haleeb rents out its tetra pack section at RYK to Nestle during the high demand season. Due to the poor management of resources and not very well managed decisions the company has incurred huge losses for the last few years. In Nov 2011 Haleeb foods ltd was acquired by a large giant in the market namely Mega and Forbes. They appointed a new chief executive officer, Mr. Faisal Imran Hussain Malik who is a highly qualified and a very competent person. Since November 2011 Haleeb is in the process of restructuring. The company which once had over 750 employees currently has cut it down to only 450 employees. A lot of firing and termination of incompetent people (in the managements view) took place. The company is highly unstable since then but is gradually moving towards stability. The new management has a very unique and a different management style from what the employees at Haleeb were used to. This is one reason that led to a highly demotivated workforce at the company. The employees and the top management are having issues in adjusting with each. The large number of terminations has created high levels of job insecurity, employees no longer feel that they belong to the organization and on the other hand the management is highly dissatisfied by the performance they deliver at work. Employees who are competent and have hands on experience in various fields are resigning, thus fueling the workforce problem. As a result of this, management has started to hire new employees at a very fast pace. Management trainee programs are formally introduced into the company in an attempt to inject new blood into the organization. Instead of making things better this new hiring is worsening the situation. Older employees show resistance towards the newer ones while the management is training them and investing huge sums of money in their development. The element of job insecurity is also worsening. Poor human resource management and a highly de-motivated workforce are having serious implications on the companys performance. Although Haleeb is recovering from its losses but most of its products are failing in the market. a lot brands have shut down, retailers are not really interested in stocking its products, customers perceive the quality of its products to have deteriorated and so on. If all this continues the Company would definitely going to go down the drain in the near future. It now has to be thought that what can make the situation better? A better workforce? What does it take to have a more competent workforce? What could make the workforce at Haleeb really motivated at this point in time? This is the question that I am going to address in my research project. Competitors Analysis Pakistan has a well developed Fast Moving Consumer Goods sector that contributes a significant amount to the overall economy. Haleeb Foods is a well known FMCG in the country. The company is currently facing intense competition from the other FMCG companies operating in the country like Nestle, Engro Foods Ltd., Shezan and Nurpur etc. In order to successfully compete in the market and regain its lost market share the company should carefully analyze its competitive activities. Nestle Pakistan: Nestle Pakistan is one of the leading companies in the country. It is also a very well reputed company with its operations spread all across the world and has employed over 250,000 people across the globe. The success of the company can also be attributed to the competent and hard working work force comprising of people from different backgrounds, race, nationality etc. nestle has managed to successfully operate worldwide by having a well defined economic model and a vast customer base over the years. The company has certain strengths and weaknesses which are discussed below as part of the SWOT analysis: Strengths: Strong product portfolio. Consistently good quality products. Excellent company image. Well developed marketing strategies and campaigns. Highest market share in the country. Weaknesses: Weak distribution channel. Use of reactive rather than proactive marketing approaches. Excessive focus on profitability. Opportunities: An ever growing market for health conscious consumers. Develop a well managed distribution system. Growing market for bottled water as the infrastructure in Pakistan further deteriorates. Can cater the rural areas and further expand their markets. Threats: Changing consumer trends and demands. Ever intensifying competition. Government regulations in the form of taxes that lead the company to raise prices. High inflation rate in the country. Very few entry barriers further intensifying competition. Engro Foods Ltd Engro Foods is another fats growing company in the fast moving consumer goods sector of the country. The company operates in several areas across Pakistan and has a diversified portfolio. It is a direct competitor to Haleeb Foods ltd. Some of the strengths weaknesses of the company are explained in the SWOT analysis below: Strengths: Strong brand name Large customer base Continuous research development Fully automated third generation plant Good relationships with farmers Weaknesses: High distribution costs Weak product portfolio Improper capacity utilization Lack of ISO certification Haleeb Foods Ltd Haleeb as mentioned above was one of the biggest dairy companies in the country but unfortunately could not keep pace with the changing market environment. The company has lost its market share to its close competitors like Nestle and Engro foods. Strengths: Best dairy company Thickest milk Wide customer base Innovative tetra pack packaging Weaknesses: Declining market share Lack of focus Weak employee base Weak distribution channels Opportunities: Growing market for packaged milk and milk products More competent workforce Developing distribution channels Covering untapped market areas Utilizing capacity at the Rahim Yar Khan plant Threats: Intensifying competition Changing market trends High inflation rate in the country Changing economic conditions Financial Analysis Ratio analysis for Nestle Pakistan is given in computed in the table above. Nestle is a well reputed and a well performing FMCG company in Pakistan. It is the market leader and has highest market share in the industry. The companys overall financial performance is satisfactory and compared to Engro it is much superior. As we infer from its profitability ratios that the company is profitable. Its gross margin, net profit margin and the operating profit margin have shown a slight decline from 2009-2010. But is ROA has increase to 11.02% in 2010 and ROE increased to 16.7%.Which is a good indicator of the companys health. It shows that the companys assets are paying off well. When compared to Engro it is can be seen that the gross profit margin ratio is higher (23.27%) as compared to the ICIs 19.1% in 2010. The net profit margin for Engro however is -3.4% as compared to the ICIs + 6.9%. This shows that Engro has high operating expenses like the administrative expense etc. in this regard Nestle performance is superior. The comparison of the liquidity ratios, more precisely the current ratios show that Nestle has a ratio of 2.17 whereas Engro has a ratio of 0.9. Nestle is in a better position in terms of it liquidity. The liquidity implications for the firm were positive as shown by the increase in the working capital from 82.19 million in 2009 to RS 320.6 million in The inventory turnover ratio shows that Nestle has an inventory turnover almost double the amount of Engros. Engros inventory turnover is 3.39 whereas for Nestle has an inventory turnover of 6.67. The higher the inventory turnover the better it is for the company, so Nestle is better off. From the efficiency ratios at Nestle, we can infer that Nestle, Engro and all other companies in the industry are facing problems. The hiking oil prices and gas and energy crisis are all increasing the companys expenses. Haleeb Foods Where Nestle is the market leader, Haleeb was established in 1986 and its first product was Haleeb milk. Since then, it has continued to provide quality products to its consumers with product and packaging innovations. The overall analysis of the firms financial statements shows that the company is not doing well. Compared to the industry leaders like Nestle and Engro, Haleeb is not that large a company. A deeper look into the company shows that its profitability has decreased from 2009-2011. Its net profit margin has reduced to 4.83% in 2011 from 7.19% in 2009. Although it is not a good indicator for the company, it still higher than the Engros -1.9%. This shows that compared to the industry averages Engro is doing poor in terms of its profitability. In terms of the gross profit margins Engro has superior results compared to both Nestle and Haleeb. From this we could conclude that the cost of goods Engros liquidity position is weak as compared to its competitors. Its current ratio of 0.9 in 2010 is even lower than the Haleebs 1.1. Turnover ratios on the other hand shows that Engro is doing better than the Haleeb foods, it has a higher inventory turnover of 3.3 is higher than the Haleebs 2.8 in 2010. This shows that Engro is selling off its inventory faster as compared to Haleeb foods. Overall, from the above analysis we can conclude that Engro is better than the competitors in terms of its activity ratios. It is effectively managing its turnover whereas the ultimate measure of a companys success, the profitability ratios reveal that Haleeb is doing poor. It seriously needs to improve its profitability in the coming years. Engro The overall profitability of the company is decreasing its return on shareholders equity is also showing a negative trend of -17.19% in 2011 and so is the return on common equity.. This decrease is mainly due to the increase in the companys expenses primarily its administrative expenses and the taxes. The cost of goods manufactured, have also increased for Engro. Looking at Engros gross profit margins over the last three years we can conclude that the companys gross profit was stable at around 23% in the financial years 2009 and 2010. However ion 2011, due to a rise in expenses the companys gross profit has slightly decreased to 20.8%. Engros gross profit is showing a fluctuating trend. It was around 2.8% in 2009 then rose to 5.1% in 2010 and then again fell to 4.1% in 2011. These changing trends and fluctuations can be attributed to the changing market environments and the highly variable national and global economic trends. Engros net profitability ratios show a large amount of uncertainty as it was 0.7% in 2009, and then fell further to negative 3.4% in 2010. However, in 2011 it can be seen that although the companys net profit margin is negative it is still showing a positive trend towards betterment. Return on asset ratio is ratio is showing a declining trend which is not a healthy sign. Current ratio shows the relationship between the current assets and the current liabilities of the company over the last s increase in assets is accompanied by an increase in the liabilities. This is why the current ratio for Engro did not improve. It has been stable around 0.9% over the last few years. Quick ratio at Engro is showing a slow increasing trend which enables us to conclude that the current assets of the company is increasing. For Engro, their debt to equity ratio decreased tremendously to almost o% in 2010 but unfortunately the company could not maintain it and it rose to 6.3% in 2011. Engro should effectively manage its debt to equity ratio as an increasing trend in this ratio is not a very good sign of the health of the company. It shows that the company is focusing more on debt financing as opposed to equity financing and this will affect the companys image in the eyes of the shareholders. Engros debt to assets ratio has been increasing for the last three years with s significant increase from 0

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Nostradamus: The Truth Behind the Prophecies Essay -- Prophecy Prophet

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  For Many years scholars and interpreters have been trying to find any truth that could possibly be found in the writings of Nostradamus. For many occasions people have been convinced that this man could see the future and he documented it in his many journals and books titled The Centuries. The writings and prophecies have been a controversial issue for many years. Most Nostradomus translators have more than likely misinterpreted his work because of his nearly illegible style of writings, thus false information is commonly found about this man of the past.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Nostradamus, a French Jew converted to Christian who lived in France in the 16th century. Born Michel de Nostredame on December 14th 1503 in St. Remy, France. He was the oldest of five children. His grandfather, Jean, taught him Latin, Greek, Hebrew, mathematics and astrology at an early age. Nostradamus received a medical degree in 1529 and became a physician. â€Å"Nostradamus made his reputation as a doctor of extraordinary skill gave generously to the poor.† (Sobel B)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Nostradamus was in his late when he frequently went into a meditative state and reported to have visions of the future. He began to document his visions in a number of journals in a mixture of Latin, French, and Greek quatrains, publishing his famous â€Å"Centuries† in 1558. Nostradamus had married twice, losing his first wife and children to the plague. Living in France from 1503-1566 AD, making a living as a wealthy French astrologer and physician, Nostradamus led an almost perfect life for his time.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Frechman also predicted his own death which occurred on July 2, 1566. I t was the end of his foretelling the future on this planet.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  De retour d`ambassade, don de roy mis au lieu,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Plus n1en fera: sera alle a Dieu   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Parans plus proches, amis, freres du sang,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Trouve tout mort pres du lict et du banc.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When translated:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  On his return from the embassy, having secured the kings gift,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  He will be no more, (his spirit) having returned to God,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Nearby will be his close family, his friends and his brothers,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  He will be found dead near the bed and the bench.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Nostradamus returned to his home late in the day returning from a visit of the king for which he was presented with three hundred gold crowns. After being worn out from the carriage ride home he decided t... ... predictions are fake many do believe that he could accurately predict the future.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Lets just think for a second, What could I predict for the future that will ensure my prediction to come true? The first thing that I would do is predict something to happen with fire. Come on how many events in the past, present, and future result in a fire? I would also predict it to happen in a large city like our ever so brilliant Nostradamus. Answer this, how many things have happened in the city as result to fire. Eventually it would come true and Nostradamus was no dummy.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Is it wrong to assume that Nostradamus could in fact predict the future? From the information gathered it is easy to come to the conclusion that the writings of Nostradamus can no more tell the future than a child’s nursery rhyme.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A prediction that can only be interpreted after the events it supposedly foresees have occurred is not a â€Å"predition† at all. Anyone could spew out a thousand vague â€Å"prophecies† and not have to explain what they meant until after the events they supposedly predicted had occurred. With this it is possible for anyone to manage a pretty impressive record for accuracy too.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Not so Fantastic Feasting Essay

All around town people have been talking about the new Mexican restaurant, El Fogon (The Stove), by the movie theatre on the Interstate Parkway in Green, OH. People are excited to have a new restaurant and are anxious to try it. But take my advice and don’t waste your time on visiting this joint unless you like greasy and grimy food. El Fogon has an unusually clean dining area and a deceivingly inviting and personal atmosphere, none of this corresponds with the staff in the least bit. Although the workers act and dress conservatively, we waited for our orders to be taken for more than fifteen minutes. The menu was laid out nicely and made it easy to see what food they offer at the restaurant. The print on the menu was small but I personally had no problem reading it. All the items on the menu ranged from four dollars to ten dollars. The food I was served was not fresh and the presentation was sloppy. I ordered the taco salad but it looked like something my four year old younge r sister would make out of mud. My friend, Shannon, always orders quesadillas when going out to eat. She didn’t like the quesadillas at all; she described them as being greasy and had suspicions that the cooks had cooked her food in old frying oil. We both ordered the two dollar tacos, which were served with your choice of chicken or steak on top of a hand full of lettuce on a store bought shell. They were very disappointing and neither of us finished them; they were dry and tasteless. On a positive note, the portions were extremely large for the prices listed on the menu. I have visited El Fogon once prior to my previous visit. I had ordered the taco salad during my first visit; it was presented very nicely and tasted so good that I had finished my whole plate, leaving nothing behind. Our waitress was very friendly and attentive. She seemed to really enjoy working and greeted us right away. Our waiter during our second visit seemed to have had something better to do for our entire visit at the restaurant an d only approached us when we called him over to our table. He was hard to understand, much like many of the other employees and the restaurant, having a deep Mexican accent. Once or twice we had to ask for our waters to be re-filled, if he heard us he came right over to our table, but many times he just walked away. He didn’t seem too happy to be at work and appeared to have something else on his mind. He did not add to my  experience at all. Above the bathroom door reads, Baá ¿â€ o meaning restroom and above the kitchen reads Cocina meaning kitchen, there is a lot of very strongly Mexican influenced artwork throughout the restaurant that I thought added to my experience. Mexican restaurants should provide their customer with an experience that is relative to the origins of whichever Spanish speaking country it is based from and El Fogon did an excellent job. There was a large bar in the restaurant that was completely empty and made it very easy to see into the kitchen behind it. The kitchen looked very clean and organized. The restaurant is very large and has too many tables for the number of customers at any given time. The restrooms were very clean and large. The door to the women’s restroom reads niá ¿â€ as meaning girls or women, and the men’s restroom door reads niá ¿â€ os meaning boys or men. Ginny R. from Green, OH, has praised the restaurant for the quality of its food, portion sizes and low-priced menu. I do agree that the portions are large and the menu is extremely reasonable, but the quality of the food served at El Fogon is so cheap and bland that it is not worth half the price that the menu claims for it. â€Å"Great food for a reasonable price†, claims Aaron H. from North Canton, OH. The only thing that is good on the El Fogon menu is the cheese sauce that you can order for the chips, but even the chips are greasy, bland, and tasteless and not to mention under salted. Another Mexican restaurant in the area, Ponchos, has great food. The prices are a little bit more expensive but the atmosphere and service always leaves me coming back wanting more. Even though Ponchos is not an authentic Mexican restaurant the food is still much better than at El Fogon. The owner of this establishment must have not done their homework when picking the site for their restaurant. Although it is close to the local cinema theatre, and you would expect a busy out turn of customers into El Fogon, the exact opposite happens. The restaurant is almost always empty. Restaurants in this same location have not lasted more than 6 months without going out of business due to lack of customers. Unfortunately I see the same outcome for El Fogon as well. After an hour visit to El Fogon, I left unsatisfied, hungry, and full of displeasure. While El Fogon is not worth a trip or the money, it was surely an experience regardless of how bad it was.

Friday, November 8, 2019

The Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

The Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand On the morning of June 28, 1914, a 19-year-old Bosnian nationalist named Gavrilo Princip shot and killed Sophie and Franz Ferdinand, the future heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary (the second-largest empire in Europe) in the Bosnian capital of Sarajevo. Gavrilo Princip, a simple postman’s son, probably didn’t realize at the time that by firing those three fateful shots, he was starting a chain reaction that would lead directly to the start of World War I. A Multinational Empire In the summer of 1914, the by now 47-year-old Austro-Hungarian Empire stretched from the Austrian Alps in the west to the Russian border in the east and reached far into the Balkans to the south (map). It was the second-largest European nation next to Russia and boasted a multi-ethnic population made up of at least ten different nationalities. These included Austrian Germans, Hungarians, Czechs, Slovaks, Poles, Romanians, Italians, Croats and Bosnians among others. But the empire was far from united. Its various ethnic groups and nationalities were constantly competing for control in a state that was predominantly ruled by the Austrian-German Habsburg family and the Hungarian nationals- both of whom resisted sharing the majority of their power and influence with the rest of the empire’s diverse population. For many of those outside the German-Hungarian ruling class, the empire represented nothing more than an undemocratic, repressive regime occupying their traditional homelands. Nationalistic sentiments and struggles for autonomy often resulted in public riots and clashes with the ruling authorities such as in Vienna in 1905 and in Budapest in 1912. The Austro-Hungarians responded harshly to incidents of unrest, sending in troops to keep the peace and suspending local parliaments. Nevertheless, by 1914 unrest was a constant in almost every part of the realm. Franz Josef and Franz Ferdinand: A Tense Relationship By 1914, Emperor Franz Josef- a member of the long-standing royal House of Habsburg- had ruled Austria (called Austria-Hungary from 1867) for nearly 66 years. As a monarch, Franz Josef was a staunch traditionalist and remained so well into the later years of his reign, despite the many great changes that had led to the weakening of monarchical power in other parts of Europe. He resisted all notions of political reform and viewed himself as the last of the old-school European monarchs. Emperor Franz Josef fathered two children. The first, however, died in infancy and the second committed suicide in 1889. By right of succession, the emperor’s nephew, Franz Ferdinand, became next in line to rule Austria-Hungary. The uncle and the nephew often clashed over differences in approach to ruling the vast empire. Franz Ferdinand had little patience for the ostentatious pomp of the ruling Habsburg class. Nor did he agree with his uncle’s harsh stance towards the rights and autonomy of the empire’s various national groups. He felt the old system, which allowed ethnic Germans and ethnic Hungarians to dominate, could not last. Franz Ferdinand believed the best way to regain the population’s loyalty was to make concessions towards the Slavs and other ethnicities by allowing them greater sovereignty and influence over the governance of the empire. He envisioned the eventual emergence of a type of â€Å"United States of Greater Austria,† with the empire’s many nationalities sharing equally in its administration. He believed strongly that this was the only way to keep the empire together and to secure his own future as its ruler. The result of these disagreements was that the emperor had little love for his nephew and bristled at the thought of Franz Ferdinand’s future ascension to the throne. The tension between them grew even stronger when, in 1900, Franz Ferdinand took as his wife the Countess Sophie Chotek. Franz Josef did not consider Sophie to be an appropriate future empress as she was not directly descended from royal, imperial blood. Serbia: The Great Hope of the Slavs In 1914, Serbia was one of the few independent Slavic states in Europe, having gained its autonomy piecemeal throughout the previous century after hundreds of years of Ottoman rule. The majority of Serbs were staunch nationalists and the kingdom saw itself as the great hope for the sovereignty of Slavic peoples in the Balkans.  The great dream of Serbian nationalists was the unification of Slavic peoples into a single sovereign state. The Ottoman, Austro-Hungarian, and Russian empires, however, were perpetually struggling for control and influence over the Balkans and Serbs felt under constant threat from their powerful neighbors. Austria-Hungary, in particular, posed a threat due to its close proximity to Serbia’s northern border. The situation was exasperated by the fact that pro-Austrian monarchs- with close ties to the Habsburgs- had ruled Serbia since the late 19th century. The last of these monarchs, King Alexander I, was deposed and executed in 1903 by a clandestine society comprised of nationalistic Serbian army officers known as the Black Hand. It was this same group that would come to help plan and support the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand eleven years later. Dragutin Dimitrijević and the Black Hand The aim of the Black Hand was the unification of all southern Slavic peoples into the single Slavic nation-state of Yugoslavia- with Serbia as its leading member- and to protect those Slavs and Serbs still living under Austro-Hungarian rule by any means necessary. The group relished in the ethnic and nationalistic strife that had overtaken Austria-Hungary and sought to stoke the flames of its decline. Anything that was potentially bad for its powerful northern neighbor was seen as potentially good for Serbia. The high-ranking, Serbian, military positions of its founding members put the group in a unique position to carry out clandestine operations deep within Austria-Hungary itself. This included army colonel Dragutin Dimitrijević, who would later become the head of Serbian military intelligence and leader of the Black Hand. The Black Hand frequently sent spies into Austria-Hungary to commit acts of sabotage or to foment discontent amongst Slavic peoples inside the empire. Their various anti-Austrian propaganda campaigns were designed, especially, to attract and recruit angry and restless Slavic youths with strong nationalistic sentiments. One of these youths- a Bosnian, and a member of the Black Hand-backed youth movement known as Young Bosnia- would personally carry out the murders of Franz Ferdinand and his wife, Sophie, and thus help to unleash the biggest crisis ever to face Europe and the world to that point. Gavrilo Princip and Young Bosnia Gavrilo Princip was born and raised in the countryside of Bosnia-Herzegovina, which had been annexed by Austria-Hungary in 1908 as a means to preempt Ottoman expansion into the region and to thwart Serbia’s aims for a greater Yugoslavia. Like many of the Slavic peoples living under Austro-Hungarian rule, Bosnians dreamed of the day when they would gain their independence and join a larger Slavic union alongside Serbia. Princip, a young nationalist, left for Serbia in 1912 to continue the studies he had undertaken in Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia-Herzegovina. While there, he fell in with a group of fellow nationalist Bosnian youths calling themselves Young Bosnia. The young men in Young Bosnia would sit long hours together and discuss their ideas for bringing about change for Balkan Slavs. They agreed that violent, terroristic methods would help to bring about a speedy demise of the Habsburg rulers and ensure the eventual sovereignty of their native homeland. When, in the spring of 1914, they learned of Archduke Franz Ferdinand’s visit to Sarajevo that June, they decided he would be a perfect target for assassination. But they would need the help of a highly organized group like the Black Hand to pull off their plan. A Plan Is Hatched The Young Bosnians’ plan to do away with the Archduke eventually reached the ears of Black Hand leader Dragutin Dimitrijević, the architect of the 1903 overthrow of Serbia’s king and by now chief of Serbian military intelligence. Dimitrijević had been made aware of Princip and his friends by a subordinate officer and fellow Black Hand member who had complained of being pestered by a group of Bosnian youths bent on killing Franz Ferdinand. By all accounts, Dimitrijević very casually agreed to help the young men; although secretly, he may have received Princip and his friends as a blessing. The official reason given for the Archduke’s visit was to observe Austro-Hungarian military exercises outside the city, as the emperor had appointed him inspector general of the armed forces the previous year. Dimitrijević, however, felt sure the visit was nothing more than a smokescreen for a coming Austro-Hungarian invasion of Serbia, though no evidence exists to suggest such an invasion was ever planned. Furthermore, Dimitrijević saw a golden opportunity to do away with a future ruler who could seriously undermine Slavic nationalistic interests, were he ever to be allowed to ascend to the throne. The Serbian nationalists knew well of Franz Ferdinand’s ideas for political reform and feared that any concessions made by Austria-Hungary towards the empire’s Slavic population could potentially undermine Serbian attempts at fomenting discontent and inciting Slavic nationalists to rise up against their Habsburg rulers. A plan was devised to send Princip, along with Young Bosnian members Nedjelko ÄÅ'abrinović and Trifko GrabeÃ… ¾, to Sarajevo, where they were to meet up with six other conspirators and carry out the assassination of the Archduke. Dimitrijević, fearing the assassins’ inevitable capture and questioning, instructed the men to swallow cyanide capsules and commit suicide immediately after the attack. No one was to be allowed to learn who had authorized the murders. Concerns Over Safety Initially, Franz Ferdinand never intended to visit Sarajevo itself; he was to keep himself outside the city for the task of observing military exercises. To this day it is unclear why he chose to visit the city, which was a hotbed of Bosnian nationalism and thus a very hostile environment for any visiting Habsburg. One account suggests that Bosnia’s governor-general, Oskar Potiorek- who may have been seeking a political boost at Franz Ferdinand’s expense- urged the Archduke to pay the city an official, all day visit. Many in the Archduke’s entourage, however, protested out of fear for the Archduke’s safety. What Bardolff and the rest of the Archduke’s entourage did not know was that June 28 was a Serb national holiday- a day that represented Serbia’s historical struggle against foreign invaders. After much debate and negotiation, the Archduke finally bent to Potiorek’s wishes and agreed to visit the city on June 28, 1914, but only in an unofficial capacity and for only a few hours in the morning. Getting Into Position Gavrilo Princip and his co-conspirators arrived in Bosnia sometime in early June. They had been ushered across the border from Serbia by a network of Black Hand operatives, who provided them with faked documents stating the three men were customs officials and thus entitled to free passage. Once inside Bosnia, they met up with six other conspirators and made their way toward Sarajevo, arriving in the city sometime around June 25. There they stayed in various hostels and even lodged with family to await Archduke’s visit three days later. Franz Ferdinand and his wife, Sophie, arrived in Sarajevo sometime before ten in the morning of June 28. After a short welcoming ceremony at the train station, the couple was ushered into a 1910 Grf Stift touring car and, along with a small procession of other cars carrying members of their entourage, made their way to the Town Hall for an official reception. It was a sunny day and the car’s canvas top had been taken down to allow for the crowds to better see the visitors. A map of the Archduke’s route had been published in the newspapers prior to his visit, so spectators would know where to stand in order to catch a glimpse of the couple as they rode by. The procession was to move down the Appel Quay along the northern bank of the Miljacka River. Princip and his six co-conspirators had also obtained the route from the newspapers. That morning, after receiving their weapons and their instructions from a local Black Hand operative, they split up and positioned themselves at strategic points along the riverbank. Muhamed MehmedbaÃ… ¡ić and Nedeljko ÄÅ'abrinović mingled with the crowds and positioned themselves near the Cumurja Bridge where they would be the first of the conspirators to see the procession going by. Vaso ÄÅ'ubrilović and Cvjetko Popović positioned themselves further up the Appel Quay. Gavrilo Princip and Trifko GrabeÃ… ¾ stood near the Lateiner Bridge toward the center of the route while Danilo Ilić moved about trying to find a good position. A Tossed Bomb MehmedbaÃ… ¡ić would be the first to see the car appear; however, as it approached, he froze with fear and was unable to take action. ÄÅ'abrinović, on the other hand, acted without hesitation. He pulled a bomb from his pocket, struck the detonator against a lamp post, and tossed it at the Archduke’s car. The car’s driver, Leopold Loyka, noticed the object flying towards them and hit the accelerator. The bomb landed behind the car where it exploded, causing debris to fly and nearby shop windows to shatter. About 20 onlookers were injured. The Archduke and his wife were safe, however, save for a small scratch on Sophie’s neck caused by flying debris from the explosion. Immediately after throwing the bomb, ÄÅ'abrinović swallowed his vial of cyanide and jumped over a railing down into the riverbed. The cyanide, however, failed to work and ÄÅ'abrinović was caught by a group of policemen and dragged away. The Appel Quay had erupted into chaos by now and the Archduke had ordered the driver to stop so that the injured parties could be attended to. Once satisfied that nobody was seriously injured, he ordered the procession to continue to the Town Hall. The other conspirators along the route had by now received news of ÄÅ'abrinović’s failed attempt and most of them, probably out of fear, decided to leave the scene. Princip and GrabeÃ… ¾, however, remained. The procession continued on to the Town Hall, where Sarajevo’s mayor launched into his welcoming speech as if nothing had happened. The Archduke immediately interrupted and admonished him, outraged at the bombing attempt that had put him and his wife in such danger and questioned the apparent lapse in security.   The Archduke’s wife, Sophie, gently urged her husband to calm down. The mayor was allowed to continue his speech in what was later described by witnesses as a bizarre and otherworldly spectacle. Despite reassurances from Potiorek that the danger had passed, the Archduke insisted on abandoning the day’s remaining schedule; he wanted to visit the hospital to check on the wounded. Some discussion on the safest way to proceed to the hospital ensued and it was decided that quickest way would be to go by the same route. The Assassination Franz Ferdinand’s car sped down the Appel Quay, where the crowds had thinned out by now. The driver, Leopold Loyka, seemed to have been unaware of the change of plans. He turned left at the Lateiner Bridge toward Franz Josef Strasse as if to proceed to the National Museum, which the Archduke had planned to visit next prior to the assassination attempt. The car drove past a delicatessen where Gavrilo Princip had bought a sandwich. He had resigned himself to the fact that the plot was a failure and that the Archduke’s return route would have been altered by now. Somebody yelled out to the driver that he had made a mistake and should have kept going along the Appel Quay to the hospital. Loyka stopped the vehicle and attempted to reverse as Princip emerged from the delicatessen and noticed, to his great surprise, the Archduke and his wife only a few feet from him. He pulled out his pistol and fired. Witnesses would later say they heard three shots. Princip was immediately seized and beaten by bystanders and the gun wrested from his hand. He managed to swallow his cyanide before being tackled to the ground but it, too, failed to work. Count Franz Harrach, the owner of the Grf Stift car that was carrying the royal couple, heard Sophie cry out to her husband, â€Å"What has happened to you?† before she appeared to faint and slump over in her seat. (King and Woolmans, 2013) Harrach then noticed that blood was trickling from the Archduke’s mouth and ordered the driver to drive to the Hotel Konak- where the royal couple was supposed to stay during their visit- as quickly as possible. The Archduke was still alive but barely audible as he continually muttered, â€Å"It is nothing.† Sophie had completely lost consciousness. The Archduke, too, eventually fell silent. The Couple’s Wounds Upon arriving at the Konak, the Archduke and his wife were carried up to their suite and attended to by regimental surgeon Eduard Bayer. The Archduke’s coat was removed to reveal a wound in his neck just above the collarbone. Blood was gurgling from his mouth. After a few moments, it was determined that Franz Ferdinand had died from his wound. â€Å"His Highness’s suffering is over,† the surgeon announced. (King and Woolmans, 2013 Sophie had been laid out on a bed in the next room. Everyone still assumed she had simply fainted but when her mistress removed her clothes she discovered blood and a bullet wound in her lower right abdomen. She had already been dead by the time they had reached the Konak. Aftermath The assassination sent shockwaves throughout Europe. Austro-Hungarian officials discovered the Serbian roots of the plot and declared war on Serbia on July 28, 1914 exactly one month after the assassination. Fearing reprisals from Russia, which had been a strong ally of Serbia, Austria-Hungary now sought to activate its alliance with Germany in an attempt to scare the Russians out of taking action. Germany, in turn, sent Russia an ultimatum to stop mobilizing, which Russia ignored. The two powers- Russia and Germany- declared war on each other on August 1, 1914. Britain and France would soon enter the conflict on the side of Russia. Old alliances, which had been dormant since the 19th century, had suddenly created a dangerous situation across the continent. The war that ensued, World War I, would last four years and claim the lives of millions. Gavrilo Princip never lived to see the end of the conflict he helped to unleash. After a lengthy trial, he was sentenced to 20 years in prison (he avoided the death penalty due to his young age). While in prison, he contracted tuberculosis and died there on April 28, 1918. Sources Greg King and Sue Woolmans, The Assassination of the Archduke (New York: St. Martin’s Press, 2013), 207.