Friday, August 28, 2020

Naturalistic Observation Essay

? Naturalistic Observation In request to contemplate human turn of events and perform naturalistic perception I went to the shopping center. I chose a 9-year-old white young lady as the subject for my perception. I watched the subject for 30 minutes. During my perception the subject was not hindered and didn't know about my investigation. The young lady was investing energy with her mom and sibling at the shopping center. She was having fun. She played a few games with her sibling. The games included bouncing and running. During one of the games the young lady had a short discussion with her sibling. After that the young lady began attracting pictures her journal. Mother of the subject had an extremely fulfilled appearance all over when she saw the drawing her girl made. During the entire observational period the young lady looked loose and glad. The rough stature of the subject is 4ft 2in, the surmised weight is 70 lbs. She was sharp looking, her garments were new and clean. The young lady was truly evolved by her age. During my entire perception the subject was exceptionally dynamic, the young lady was running and bouncing, clearly she had a decent coordination. The kid was additionally attracting pictures her journal, so I reached the resolution that both her gross engine abilities and fine manipulative aptitudes were grown appropriately. Psychological improvement of the subject was on an adequate level. I watched the young lady when she was purchasing a frozen yogurt, she saw that one of the segments was on the greater plate, yet she picked one on the littler plate since she enjoyed the state of it more. The young lady had the option to get that if something changes in appearance it doesn't imply that the amount of it changed. As indicated by Piaget’s hypothesis of subjective turn of events, the young lady was on the solid operational stage. It is the significant stage, in light of the fact that the youngster begins thinking sensibly and operationally. Being on this specific stage is completely sufficient for kids at 9 years old. The young lady was sincerely and socially all around created. She complied with the standards of the game and the guidelines of the shopping center while playing. During my perception the young lady exhibited that she had the option to work in a group with her sibling. She was inviting and very much mingled. As per Erikson’s phases of social and enthusiastic improvement this sort of conduct implies that the young lady was on the ‘school age’ stage. It is completely typical to be on this phase of social and passionate improvement at 9 years old. After my perception I arrived at the resolution that the subject meets the achievements and stages for the physical, intellectual, social, and passionate turn of events. According to the drawing that the young lady caused we to can expect that the young lady is talented. As per my naturalistic perception there is the same old thing in the advancement of the young lady. As indicated by her age she is completely sufficient. The perception was an intriguing and enlightening procedure. It allowed me the chance to apply various speculations of advancement. The greatest bit of leeway of this mental strategy is the chance to watch the subject in the regular encompassing and watch his normal conduct. To summarize, during my naturalistic perception I applied Piaget’s hypothesis of subjective turn of events and Erikson’s hypothesis of passionate and social turn of events. Both of these hypotheses allowed me the chance to comprehend the subject better. As per my perception, every single physical expertise of the young lady were grown appropriately. After investigation I arrived at the resolution that the subject is on the solid operational phase of psychological turn of events, and on the ‘school age’ phase of social and enthusiastic turn of events. The young lady is typically evolved by her age.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Norms in Security Free Essays

Do worldwide standards affect security issues? Why? Standards can be comprehended as rules for standard conduct. Standards are a typical conviction or seeing generally shared by a greater part. Global standards are controlled by the worldwide network and they typically set up for the conduct of individual nations. We will compose a custom exposition test on Standards in Security or then again any comparable point just for you Request Now These standards shape universal just as household security issues. These standards shape Inter-state conduct, they additionally shape the security strategies of country states and they likewise serve to set certain regulating gauges about how the world ought to be. In this paper we will take a gander at how the rise of specific standards, restrictions and International laws have added to International security concerns and at times additionally issues of doubt. The significant schools of International relations hypothesis, for example, unilateralism and unrealism have not sufficiently defied the development of standards of Interstate conduct. Anyway the constructivist writing draws on an assortment of hypothetical writings and observational examinations to contend that standards have illustrative force autonomous of auxiliary and situational requirements. The conviction that all standards are made by the amazing can be Halloween. As worldwide standards have come to be formed by various factors, for example, more up to date vote based systems, pressure gatherings, universal and compassionate associations. Compassionate qualities, worldwide security, moral conduct by amazing states are a portion of the qualities that have provided guidance to and reflect global standards as represented by the accompanying statement. † The instance of atomic no-no is significant hypothetically on the grounds that it challenges regular perspectives that universal standards, particularly in the security region, are made mostly by and for the powerful,† (Tangential, 2005, 7). The utilization of specific weapons or their denials rather are molded by factors that are not restricted to choices by country states. The incitement of a weapon and the mass supposition against it are answerable for offering ascend to a worldwide standard denying that weapon. A case in the fact of the matter is the substance weapons. Separations of a weapon gives rise too no-no which at that point gets politicized. As per Price this is the thing that eventually prompted the choice of nations In WI to shun the utilization of COW. In 1925 the Geneva Convention denied nations from first utilization of COW. A model Price (1995,77) states Is the means by which In 1940 Britain considered depending on COW In the event of a German Invasion however needed to dispose of such musings as those demonstrations would stamp a takeoff from British customs and standards. This shows the open dust made a difference and open dust exceptionally comprised of rules that trusted COW were Immoral and couldn't be utilized as a retreat even in the midst of urgency. Universal standards anyway not generally go In a particular cancellation of collaboration and maintaining of helpful qualities. Constructivist contend that universal connections can just propel global standards towards a culture of common assistance and benevolence. Be that as it may, this contention isn't upheld by the truth of International governmental issues. In some cases it triggers new competition or heightens clashes. A model here is during the five years from August 2003 to December 2008 seven rounds of Six Party Talks on atomic issues on the Korean Peninsula. The result of the six nations’ ceaseless cooperation during this time, in any case, was not in North Koreans acknowledgment of the standard of non-expansion, yet in its leading on May 25 2009 its second atomic test. Despite the fact that the point of the other five nations was to forbid North Korea from doing as such (Executing, 2011: 233-264). Along these lines, the possibility of universal standard in fact might be to maintain the incomparability of a couple and states like North Korea like to oppose that, Just like India and Pakistan also. Authority advance new global standards to different states to acknowledge standards set out by the Hegemony which began to serve its own security needs, by regulating influence, outside actuation, and inside reproduction. Some of the time nations acknowledge to do as such as the predominant inner conditions in its own nation permit to perceive the significance of such a standard. In different cases, such a standard is against the national security enthusiasm of a Tate and that is the place an irreconcilable circumstance emerges. At the point when Total Briar Payees became Indian Prime Minister, he approved atomic weapons testing at Popcorn. The United States coercively denounced the testing, guaranteed endorses, and casted a ballot for a United Nations Security Council Resolution censuring these tests at Popcorn. President Clinton during that time forced substantial monetary endorses on India, which included removing all military and financial guide, freezing credits by American banks to state possessed Indian organizations, denying the issue of American aviation innovation and uranium fares to India, and requiring the US to contradict all advance requests by India to worldwide loaning offices . This made a demeanor of doubt. In reality we perceive how universal standards, and restrictions influence security strategies over the globe. Florin contends that the constructivist have not yet given a hypothetical reason for clarifying why one standard rather than the different gets systematized (Florin, 1996: 40, 363-389). Universal standards impactsly affect security issues all around. For instance , the center east can respond in a direct inverse manner to a standard that is broadly acknowledged by the others. Taking everything into account, we can say that universal standards administer approach plans concerning security for various states. Worldwide standards set guidelines of conduct for states in security matters. Inability to do so is trailed by extraordinary investigation by the global network. The instance of Syria is a case of that. This is on the grounds that worldwide standards censure certain weapons, or acts and as such they have exacting adherence structures involved in them. Splitting ceaselessly from these standards has its own outcomes, it could prompt peering toward boycotted by different states, This obviously influences how states think, act corresponding to one another. This additionally influences how or what estimates states can or will take so as to have a sense of safety. On numerous events, adherence to global standards may cause a state to feel less make sure about and look feeble before the eyes of its own residents. Along these lines what can be said is that truly, now and again universal standards have prompted well disposed collaboration between states, yet on different events, it has prompted threatening vibe joined by an unpredictable weapons contest, activating new worldwide clashes and strengthening previously existing global clashes. Step by step instructions to refer to Norms in Security, Papers

Friday, August 21, 2020

Challenge in Internationalization and Outsourcing

Challenge in Internationalization and Outsourcing Acquaintance Internationalization and re-appropriating alludes with the components of enthusiasm for worldwide perspectives with relevant regard to business. With the spread of globalization hypothesis, foundations have tried to acquire their assets just as sell their items in a worldwide perspective.Advertising We will compose a custom appraisal test on Challenge in Internationalization and Outsourcing explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More International exchange and redistributing of an organization’s assets have in this manner become major of huge just as medium organizations. This paper looks to talk about difficulties confronting Coglin garments organization comparable to internationalization and redistributing. The paper will investigate outside ecological states of Coglin garments. Contextual investigation Coglin is an apparel structure and assembling organization in Australia. The firm has been in presence for a long time and under one CEO. The organiza tion has encountered a significant degree of development however it is right now confronted with various dangers. Its ongoing development has prompted changes, for example, expanded degree of enrolled staff and use on the board. The organization is additionally confronting expanded rivalry from the worldwide market following the government’s move to change the nearby market to global exchange. The organization is accordingly confronted with the assignment of copping with the outer condition so as to deal with its present and future agreements (Case Study, n.d., p. 1). Outer Environment confronting Coglin Clothing External condition confronting an association alludes to powers that radiates from outside the association which has the ability to influence the activities of the specific association. Factors, for example, rivalry confronting an association just as issues that relates to guidelines and characteristic factors in this manner establish an authoritative situation. Natu re regarding Coglin Company can be seen from two viewpoints: â€Å"task condition and general environment† (Wadolell et al., 2007, p. 83). Assignment condition alludes to the organization’s quick factors, for example, its â€Å"suppliers, distributers, clients and competitors† (Wadolell et al., 2007, p. 83).Advertising Looking for evaluation on business financial aspects? We should check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More These components are quick as in they face the association in each part of its activities. The other classification of condition, general condition, comprises of broadly broad factors that incorporate â€Å"economic, innovative, sociacultural, segment, political and legitimate, and worldwide powers that influences the organization† (Wadolell et al., 2007, p. 83). Providers to an association are the gatherings that make the associations arrangements for assets. Such gatherings are infrequently depende nt upon varieties as for components, for example, â€Å"nature, number and type† (Wadolell et al., 2007, p. 83). The organization’s providers can for instance change their structures and terms or connection with their contracting accomplices, for example, coglin or their number could change because of terminations or passage of more firms in the provider advertise. Any change as for the organization’s providers will call for modifications by Coglin’s chiefs so as to keep up the company’s wanted and arranged tasks. This is on the grounds that any of such changes will either have a bit of leeway or an impediment to the association requiring a transition to either profit by instances of chances or to counter any type of risk. A decrease in number of providers is, for instance, related with a more grounded bartering power by the rest of the gatherings over the organization. Coglin may along these lines be compelled to bear directed terms from providers if the number decreases to levels that can have monopolistic or oligopolistic impacts. An expansion in the quantity of providers then again gives more capacity to the organization through its expanded choices in looking for provisions. Rivalry among the providers will likewise prompt directed terms which will be profitable to Coglin. So also, distributers have a noteworthy degree of effect in a maker organization, for example, Coglin. As a connection between the organization and its clients, the viability of the connection between the organization and distributers will be reflected in its degree of sales.Advertising We will compose a custom appraisal test on Challenge in Internationalization and Outsourcing explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More A diminished number of distributers will negatively affect the organization as far as additionally haggling power by the rest of the distributers together with a danger of decreases purchaser servicers in situations where th e quantity of distributers can't arrive at all clients. The organization may in this way experience the ill effects of decreased deals. An expanded number of distributers will then again give more preferred position to the organization as for moderately expanded force by the organization over the distributers and resulting client inclusion (Wadolell et al., 2007, p. 87). Customers allude to the gatherings that buy items from an association. Being a dress plan and assembling industry, Coglin’s clients incorporate â€Å"individuals, little organizations, enormous organizations, government offices and instructive institutions† (Wadolell et al., 2007, p. 83) that may be keen on the company’s material items for definite use in houses and office premises. The items from the organization can be utilized by these gatherings for garments or decorations. Changes regarding shoppers likewise influence the choices made by the executives of the organization. In contrast to providers and distributers, clients display a wide assortment of changes that can incorporate style, taste, and salary, complimentary and valuable items among others. The adjustments in purchasers will likewise be acknowledged in either a profitable or a disadvantageous point of view. Contenders additionally shape the heading of the organization’s dynamic as far as moves to pick up or keep up advertise control (Wadolell et al., 2007, p. 88). The general condition encompassing Coglin Company is then again various in nature and is for the most part wild of the company’s the board. Coglin is in this way accordingly compelled to embrace choices that will adjust the organization furthering its best potential benefit following the natural conditions. Being a benefit situated association; the organization is exceptionally influenced by financial factors in its encompassing. Components, for example, â€Å"interest rates, swelling, changes in extra cash, share showcase varianc e and the general business cycle† are a portion of the financial elements that influence the organization (Robbins et al., 2009, p. 86).Advertising Searching for appraisal on business financial matters? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Find out More The economy regarding singular clients is for instance straightforwardly connected with the degree of interest for items in any market. Monetary factors, for example, decreased livelihoods or expanded joblessness rates in this manner cause negative impacts on the company’s ability to produce incomes. This is on the grounds that such changes makes clients either decrease or suspend uses on non essential wares in which classification, apparel may fall. This impact is additionally felt as for organizations that will be compelled to control their consumptions and focus on necessities. Swelling which influences components of the organization, for example, the costs of its assets likewise impactsly affects its administration. At the point when the economy acknowledges expansion costs of assets shoots up raising creation expenses of the company’s products. Subsequently, the administration is constrained into the difficulty of whether the expanded expenses ought to be moved to clients as expanded item cost. More entanglements are acknowledged in situations where creation costs in outside business sectors are not influenced by swelling and less expensive items are benefited through importation (Robbins et al., 2009, p. 86). Political and legitimate prerequisites in a business set up additionally drives the tasks of associations in their regions. Political security, for example, has both immediate and circuitous effects on the tasks of associations. Political unsteadiness actuates negative effects on natural factors, for example, security, economy and even financial specialist certainty. Cases of politically prompted brutality can, for instance, upset creation forms and even conveyance of completed items due to reduced developments of workers, merchants and even clients to Coglin. Bargained financial specialist certainty because of political unsteadiness can likewise prompt diminished degrees of creations so as to stay away from loses because of monetary in security. Legitimate issues likewise altogether influence the association. Laws that spread components, for example, â€Å"practices guidelines, natural security laws, against segregation strategies and modern connection legislations† (Robbins et al., 2009, p. 86), assume an immediate job in molding the board choices making. Each choice by the administration that identifies with sourcing of crude materials, enlistment and the board of human asset, creation procedures and relations with different gatherings are directed in accordance with sacred necessities and bi-laws. Guidelines, for example, antidiscrimination laws and privileges of workers altogether influence choices as for activities against representatives who probably won't perform or carrying on to the desire for the association. Administrations might be compelled to settle on the company’s standards and destinations just to keep away from lawful

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

The Benefits of Term Papers Writers

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Our writers will give you with best writing an essay services at a reasonable price at which y ou will get superior grades. Most students don't know how write custom essay only because they do not have sufficient time and writing skills. To begin with, the masters' students discover that it's tricky to compose papers using APA writing style since they aren't conscious of the APA writing style. Whatever They Told You About Term Papers Writers Is Dead Wrong...And Here's Why The writers need to carry an in depth research employing a wide selection of sources when writing the academic papers. Some students highly depend on the web for sources due to its convenience. Surprisingly, many students do not find out how to get the best sources. Most students just utilize insufficient info or information that is not valid. 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Friday, May 15, 2020

Drug Cartels Mexico And The Brutal War Of Drug Trafficking

Leilany Emilio Mr.Odden Am/Lit December 18th, 2015 Drug Cartels Mexico is known for many things ranging from there beautiful coastlines to there ancient ruins and museums to the brutal war of drug trafficking. The drug war in Mexico is one of the biggest events in narcotics history. Drug trafficking was best known in Michoacan, Guanajuato and Guerrero but it has recently spread across all of Mexico. Michoacan was the first place where it erupted due to an organization of cartels known as La Familia. Mexico was once a place that didn’t have as much violence or drugs but its economic crisis lead to the outbreak of violence, the rise of the world’s biggest cartel Joaquin Guzman Loera, and deals Guzman made with people in Mexico and the United States. Homicides rates in Mexico have increased since at least 2006. The largest jump came in 2008 when organized crime-related homicides jumped from 2,826 to 6,837 killings and in 2010, two years later, it jumped another 59%. Mexico’s violence came from more of the drug trafficking industry. Traffickers (Drug lords) would fight for more areas to produce and sell their drugs so they could get more production. The main reason traffickers disliked sharing territories is because there would be more than one trafficker selling products in an area so one trafficker would either make more than the other or lose more. The government also made the violence worse because government would send Police enforcement into areas with strongShow MoreRelatedThe Zetas vs. Sinaloa Cartel1419 Words   |  6 PagesUnit 11: Project Final Draft The War between the two major drug cartels in Mexico, Los Zetas and the Sinaloa Drug Cartel, has exploded to new extremes and is now affecting multiple countries. There are multiple cartels in Mexico who control certain sections of the country, but all have aligned with one or the other of the two Goliaths. This war started over the drug routes stemming from southern Mexico to the United States of America. The Sinaloa Cartel has controlled these routes for many decades;Read MoreThe United Statesstrategy For Combating Drug Trafficking Across Their Shared Border1521 Words   |  7 PagesSince 2008, the United States and Mexico have worked collaboratively to combat drug trafficking across their shared border. The State Department’s current position on the situation is to to support continued cooperation with Mexico and collaborate on strategies to increase security and create policy measures that strengthen the rule of law. The State Department divides the United Statesâ€℠¢ strategy for combatting drug trafficking into four strategies: targeting cartels and their operations, aiding theRead MoreMexican Drug War : Mexico1306 Words   |  6 PagesMrs. Blomme Honors 1 28 September 2014 Mexico Drug War According to the FBI, there are more than seventy five open cases of Americans that are kidnapped in Mexico. That is just one of the effects caused by what is called The Mexico Drug War. People are oblivious to what the outcome of drugs, in general, can do. Many have disappeared or been killed, firearm trade from the U.S. has gone up, and the supply of drugs in the U.S has increased. The Mexico Drug war started in December of 2006 and is stillRead MoreMexican Trafficking And Drug Trafficking1341 Words   |  6 PagesDid you know that Mexico has a history with many brutal crimes? Crimes such as kidnapping, money laundering, murders, prostitution, drug dealing, extortion, human trafficking, gun trafficking, drug trafficking, car thief, and cartels wars. Have you ever been a victim of any of this crimes listed above in Mexico? Sadly most people who lived in Mexico tend to be victims of a crime. In Mexico 1 out of every 8,300 people are violently murdered. Most murder rates are in the borders near the United StatesRead MoreDrug Cartel Violence And Mexico1616 Words   |  7 PagesI told you the drug cartel violence in Mexico is still one of the largest drug distributions in the world. The drug cartel violences taking place in Mexico have been going on for many years now and nobody has really tried to put a stop to it. Although Mexican drug cartels have existed for several decades, their influences have increased. Mexican drug cartels now dominate the wholesale illegal drug market. Arrests of key cartel leaders have led to increasing drug violence as cartels fight for controlRead MoreWar On Drugs And Drug Trafficking960 Words   |  4 Pageshuman trafficking, drug trafficking, and weapons trafficking. One of the most harmful organized crimes is drug trafficking. What makes drug trafficking organized is the system of production to distribution. Drug trafficking organizations have a hierarchy of power from the kingpins to the couriers. Drug also has political influence they are able to bribe and blackmail politicians. Trafficking drugs is a multi-billion-dollar business, and the United States is one of its largest markets. Drug traffickingRead MoreMexican Drug War Outline816 Words   |  4 PagesCarpenter, Ted. Undermining Mexico’s Dangerous Drug Cartels. Cato Institute. N.p.. Web. 23 Jul 2013. lt; ations/policy-analysis/undermining-mexicos-dangerous-drug-cartelsgt;. Al-Eryani, Ausan. Mexico’s drug war effects US as well. Collegiate Times. Virginia Tech. Web. 23 Jul 2013. lt;;. Grillo, Ioan. US troops aid Mexico in drug war. Global Post. N.p.. Web. 23 Jul 2013. lt;http://wwwRead MoreDrug Cartels And The United States1688 Words   |  7 PagesThe situation in Mexico regarding the Drug Cartels has been an ongoing battle that has taken the life of between 30,000 to 40,000 civilians, cartels henchmen and federal employees. The violence has evolved into something new in recent years. The brutality contributed by the drug cartels could potentially be labeled as terrorist acts. The strong domestic conflict surrounding the drug cartel in Mexico has boiled over the border and into the United States. Illegal drugs enter the United States throughRead MoreEvolving Structure of Mexican Drug Cartels1494 Words   |  6 Pagespayment for the protection of the womans local business against the Juarez Cartel. (Lacey, M. 2010). Many critics are now making comparisons between the Mexican drug cartels, like the one mentioned above, and legitimate corporations like Netflix, or Google. There are currently seven major Mexican drug cartels. Although, the cartels may all come from different backgrounds and have different approaches towards trafficking drugs, they all share a similar business style structure to their organizationsRead MoreDrug Wars in Mexico1303 Words   |  6 PagesDrug Wars in Mexico While there are drug wars happening in many places of Mexico, the U.S. is trying to help the cause and stop the war. Money is not going to be enough to stop the drug wars though, America has to stop this problem at the root, which is the demand for these drugs. Many innocent citizens of Mexico are killed and constantly being threatened. Violence suffocates the streets putting visitors at risk of their lives as well. Many believe that a lot of this has to do with the corrupt

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Hitler and the Nazi Party Essays - 686 Words

Contrary to popular belief, no one is born evil. Even the worst tyrants of the world were once innocent and benevolent. Most became the way they are due to unfortunate events in their life. This was the case for Fuhrer Adolf Hitler. Hitler was born in Austria on April 20, 1889. He had a calamitious childhood, a series of deaths in his family occured as he grew up. Although he was Austrian, he admired Germany, for its immense power and accelerated technology, so he joined the German army during World War I. Injured in battle, Hitler was sent to a hospital, where he learned that Germany had surrendered in the war. Enraged at the weakness of his country, Hitler leapt into politics. He vowed to make Germany the most powerful nation in the†¦show more content†¦This was only the beginning of what we call the Holocaust. From March of 1933 to May of 1945, Jews were apprehended and sent to these camps. There, the weak were killed and the fit were put into slave labor. The camps were filthy and disease was not uncommon. The guards acted atrociously, beating people for no apparent reason. Those who attempted to escape faced dire consequences. Over the span of twelve years, 15,000 camps were built and over six million Jews were murdered. How did we find out about this? Thank World War II for that. World War II started in September of 1939, with the German invasion of Poland. The war raged on normally until December 7,1941. A date that will live in infamy as President Frankliin Roosevelt said. On that day, the Japanese bombed American naval base, Pearl Harbor. Shocked and angered by the attack, Americans pushed Congress to let the U.S. enter the war, and the next day, the United States of America officially joined the Allies Powers in World War II. Through out the war, forces fought ceaselessly with each other. Germany conquered many countries, building camps in them to kill more and more Jews. This went by under the radar until the war ended. The Axis Powers, Germany, Italy, and Japan, surrendered. The United States began liberating Germany, and its neighboring countries when they stumbled across these gruesome camps. They also stumbled across something else.Show MoreRelatedHitler And The Nazi Party1806 Words   |  8 Pagesbecause of how large scale the destruction was. Over a course of twelve years, Hitler and the Nazi party developed a comprehensive solution to the Jewish problem. Through a series of three solutions, Hitler and his party sought to eliminate European Jewry. Through a series of calculated actions over a decade, Hitler used political, situational, and physical violence to break down the European Jewry. In order for Hitler to win his war against the Jews, he had to break down the autonomy of the groupRead More Hitler And The Nazi Party1547 Words   |  7 Pages Nazism in America Probably one of the most infamous political groups in history were the Nazis, a party created and lead by Hitler, an equally awful man. The Nazi party was based in Germany, and many Germans had fallen prey to their deception through their immoral methods, but it was a true surprise when Americans started to become ensnared by their deceit as well. After WWI, Germany was in ruins; so many Germans immigratedRead MoreHitler And The Nazi Party942 Words   |  4 PagesUnder the ruling of Hitler and the Nazi Party, Germany inaugurated the war in 1939 with an unexpected invasion Poland. Nearly all of Europe was taken over by Hitler in 1940. By the summer only Britain remain of the European power. The course of the war changed when Britain grabbled with an attack performed by the Nazi Party. Then Hitler, disobeyed an agreement made with the Soviet Union, by ordering an invasion on Britain. Afterwards the United States entered the war when Japan attacked the PearlRead MoreHitler And The Nazi Party2125 Words   |  9 PagesIt is undebatable that Hitler and the Nazi party abused propaganda and distorted the media in order to rise to power and then deceive the German population. Propaganda was incorporated into every German citizens’ life through broadcasts, posters, newspapers and speeches put on by the Fà ¼hrer himself. This propaganda was filled with lies and deceptions about certain ethnic groups, held strong nationalistic ideals and contorted the national German opinion. In Goebbels’s efforts to create a unifiedRead MoreEssay on Hitler and the Nazi Party825 Words   |  4 PagesHistory Assignment Hitler attained power in 1933 as the result of a complex set of factors. He was the right man at the right time to take advantage of the problems that had arisen in Germany in the post war years. In the post war years of the 1920s to the 1930s, the German people had many grievances. The biggest of which was the economy. The hyperinflation of the early 1920s, in January 1921 the German mark was 65 marks to the American dollar and on November 1923 it was worth 4 200 000Read MoreHitler s And The Nazi Party1409 Words   |  6 PagesHitler s henchmen were those inside the Richstag and other important segments of the German government. These include Joseph Goebbels, Hermann Goering, Rudolf Hess, Heinrich Himmler, Ernst Rohm, Reinhard Heydrich. It is debated if they escaped justice or not. Joseph Goebbels was born in 1897 and became a doctor in philosophy in 1920. Due to his hatred of the terms of the Treaty of Versailles, he joined the Nazi party near the end of 1924 to help build support for the party in Berlin. In 1923 heRead MoreAdolf Hitler And The Nazi Party889 Words   |  4 PagesIn 1933, Adolf Hitler was legally named chancellor of Germany by President Paul von Hindenburg. In the following years, Hitler would take power as Fà ¼hrer and the Nazi party would create laws that pretty much allowed them to kill eleven million people. While the anti-semitic laws and the laws against â€Å"undesirables† were horrible, they were still laws. The truth of the matter was that Hitler belonged to the Nazi party and it was a legitimate political party with a substantial following; and their lawsRead MoreAdolf Hitler And The Nazi Party1988 Words   |  8 PagesAdolf Hitler officially took political action to advance with his plans of world domination with his creati on of the Enabling Act. He took all the governmental powers away from the Reichstag and distributed them to himself and his cabinet. By creating the Enabling Act, he had given himself the ability to create doctrines, control the budget and approve treaties. Hitler removed the legal power that the German government possessed and gave it to himself which have him the upper hand in the situationRead MoreAdolf Hitler And The Nazi Party2566 Words   |  11 PagesAs the Nazi Party took power in the early 1930’s, the whole world was entering a depression. By the early 1930’s, fascist policy seeped into German government and brought Germany out of a deep recession. In the early 1930’s, Keynesian thought was emerging and Germany was amidst recovery from reparations for World War I and required a strong government to get them out of it. The Nazi party believed that in order to get themselves out of recession, they needed to first bring the unemployment rateRead MoreAdol f Hitler And The Nazi Party2747 Words   |  11 PagesAdolf Hitler and his Nazi Party saw their acquisition of power in 1933 as more than simply a change of government. To the Nazis it represented the start of a transformation of German society in accordance with their ideology of National Socialism. This focused on all Germans, regardless of class or income, working for the national good as part of the Volksgemeinschaft, the People’s Community. In the period from 1933 to 1939, the Nazis ultimately achieved consensus in creating the Volksgemeinschaft

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Bovine TMB Essay Example For Students

Bovine TMB Essay Bovine Tuberculosis Mycobacterium bovis (Bovine Tuberculosis) (or cattleTuberculosis) was first discovered by Columella (Louis Junius ModeratusColumella) which was born in Cadiz, Spain and resided in Northern Italy when hediscovered the bovine Tuberculosis in the year 14 A D. In 1882 Robert Kochdiscovered that the connection between human and animal Tuberculosis actuallywere established. When Koch realized that children were becoming infected fromcontaminated cows milk most nations brought out legal instruments designed toremove chronically infected animals and take a look at the public health aspectof the problem. The Disease Mycobacterium bovis is the bacterium that causesbovine Tuberculosis. It manifests itself in livestock (especially in cattle andhogs) and it has also affected wild life such as White Tailed Deer, Bear,Coyotes, Raccoons, and Bobcat in the northeastern part of the Lower Peninsula ofMichigan. From 1995 to 1999 17,721 deer from six counties (Alpena, Montmorency,Osco da, Alcona, Presque Ile, and Otsego) in Michigan were taken and examined andto date only 228 deer, 1 bear, 5 coyotes, 2 raccoons, and 1 bobcat have testedpositive for bovine Tuberculosis. In the same area there was also 3 herds ofcattle infected with the disease. This disease is also known all over thecountry and the world from Australia to New Zealand to the United Kingdom. Themost likely way to spread the disease in the wild is the bobcat, coyotes,raccoons, and bear eating the lungs and lymph nodes of infected animals. Thereare three main types of bovine Tuberculosis: human (MycobacteriumTuberculosis)which can affect humans and can be transmitted to dogs, cats,cattle, hogs, goats, sheep, and most any other mammal on earth, bovine(Mycobacterium bovis) which affects animals and can be transmitted to humans(but it is very rare that this may happen), avian (Mycobacterium avian complex)which primarily effect only birds but in some cases there has been some cases inwhich cattle and hogs have been infected with the avian Tuberculosis. Thetwo-mammalian types are more closely related to each other then the avian type. The diseases presence in humans has been reduced as a result in theeradication program, advances in sanitation and hygiene, the discovery ofeffective drugs, and pasteurization of milk. There is another minor type ofbovine Tuberculosis, which is as microti (Mycobacterium Microti) which affectsrodents. Mycobacterium Tuberculosis is the most host specific of the three majortypes of Tuberculosis, rarely being transmitted to other birds (Mycobacteriumavian), or mammals (Mycobacterium bovis). Bovine Tuberculosis is the mostinfectious type of Tuberculosis it infects most warm-blooded animals to includehumans. Condition Bovine Tuberculosis can only live for only a few weeks outside of the hosts body because it can not handle the exposure of the heat,direct sunlight, or extremely dry conditions. Bovine Tuberculosis will survivelonger under cool to cold, moist, and dark conditions. The only place theMycobacterium will grow (outside of the host) is on a culture plate, where thebacteria will mul tiply at a very slow rate of about every 20 hours or so. Astime goes on, bovine Tuberculosis is a disease that take many months or may takemany years to develop or may lie dormant in the hosts body for a lifetime. Ifthe disease does not become dormant, in wildlife and in livestock it will leavemultiple tan or yellow lumps on the rib cage or yellow lesions on the lungsabout the size of a pea. Transmission Bovine Tuberculosis is a chronic, highlycontagious and infectious disease caused by several bacteria of theMycobacterium family (tubercles) which it first affects the respiratory systemand the lymph nodes and may be found in any organ or body cavity. There areseveral different ways for animals to contract the disease; one is airborneexposure from coughing and sneezing, (which is the most frequent way to contractthe disease) which the risk is much higher in enclosed areas, such as barns. .u81e4dd5e9678418a599d440c964ecd77 , .u81e4dd5e9678418a599d440c964ecd77 .postImageUrl , .u81e4dd5e9678418a599d440c964ecd77 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u81e4dd5e9678418a599d440c964ecd77 , .u81e4dd5e9678418a599d440c964ecd77:hover , .u81e4dd5e9678418a599d440c964ecd77:visited , .u81e4dd5e9678418a599d440c964ecd77:active { border:0!important; } .u81e4dd5e9678418a599d440c964ecd77 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u81e4dd5e9678418a599d440c964ecd77 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u81e4dd5e9678418a599d440c964ecd77:active , .u81e4dd5e9678418a599d440c964ecd77:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u81e4dd5e9678418a599d440c964ecd77 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u81e4dd5e9678418a599d440c964ecd77 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u81e4dd5e9678418a599d440c964ecd77 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u81e4dd5e9678418a599d440c964ecd77 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u81e4dd5e9678418a599d440c964ecd77:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u81e4dd5e9678418a599d440c964ecd77 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u81e4dd5e9678418a599d440c964ecd77 .u81e4dd5e9678418a599d440c964ecd77-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u81e4dd5e9678418a599d440c964ecd77:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Elephantiasis I Did My Report On Filariasis, Which Is More Commonly Kn EssayAnother way to be infected is the consumption of contaminated food, water, ormilk, from infected animals rubbing on a post or wire and another animal rubsagainst the same area, also using infected cattle trailers or transportvehicles, and avoid interaction and contact with other herds. EradicationProgram The most effective way to handle the problem of bovine Tuberculosis inhumans is to eradicate it in livestock. The eradication program began in 1917,the cooperative state-federal Tuberculosis eradication program, which wasadministered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Animal and PlantHeal th Inspection Service (APHIS). All cattle herds were tested, and all of thecattle that tested positive for bovine Tuberculosis were sent to theslaughterhouse. After the animals were slaughtered the premises were cleaned anddisinfected after the animals were removed. As a result of the eradicationprogram, the rate of infected cattle were reduced by approximately 5% tocurrently less than 0.02%. The human Tuberculosis also was reducedsignificantly. The recent surge of human Tuberculosis is due M. Tuberculosis. Today, there is a very low rate of bovine Tuberculosis cases in humans. State orFederal meat inspectors check the glands and organs of cattle and hogs and insome cases wildlife for signs of bovine Tuberculosis. If these inspectors findany lesions or other signs of bovine Tuberculosis, tissue samples are taken andsent to APHIS, National Veterinarian Services Laboratories in Aimes, IA, forconfirmation. If the laboratory confirms that the lesions are a result of bovineTuberculosis, an attempt to track down the livestock from where it originallycame from and to find the herd that the infected cattle were affiliated with,then a Tuberculin PPD (Purified Protein Derivative) (Bovine) test will beadministered to all of the herd. If the herd is infected with bovineTuberculosis the rest of the herd will be taken to the slaughterhouse to bedestroyed. If the whole herd can not be eliminated it is held under quarantineand tested repeatedly until all evidence of infection is eliminated. Veterinarians also try to find out the date that the herd was probably infected. Then they try to trace all cattle that moved into or out of the affected herdand try to find out where the infection probably started and where it might havegone and where it might be going. Testing A skin test is the most reliable wayto identify bovine Tuberculosis in cattle. If cattle have been infected orexposed to bovine Tuberculosis a reaction will occur at the test site on theskin. (So far to date there is no effective vaccine or medications for treatmentfor wild animals). If a reaction does occur an additional test is required toidentify which type of Tuberculosis that the animal is infected with. Once thetype is identified you would use a sterile liquid containing protein derivativesfrom a heat killed Mycobacterium bovis (Strain AN 5), which is grown on asynthetic medium. If the test resulted in the bovine Tuberculosis you would usethe Tuberculin PPD (Purified Protein Derivative) (Bovine). Retesting Retestingmay only be done at least 60 days after the last injection of Tuberc ulin PPD wasadministered. This applies to either the intradermal caudal fold test or acomparative test was completed. Dosage and Administration Use the singleintradermal test (skin test). Give a single intradermal 0.1-ml injection ofTuberculin PPD (bovine) (The vaccine should be stored between 2 and 8 degreesCelsius, but do not freeze and keep it out of the light). The caudal fold(stomach or abdominal area) is where the Injection will be administered. Cleanthe area thoroughly with Betadine or an iodine solution where the injection willtake place, for sterilization, prior to injection. Government actions In orderto protect the human population, the Government has introduced the followingactions: (1) Heat treatment of milk (Pasteurization). (2) Inspection ofcarcasses at slaughterhouses. (3) Reduce the population of infected animals. .u02e60f7335c5c868d05494e71586eb3e , .u02e60f7335c5c868d05494e71586eb3e .postImageUrl , .u02e60f7335c5c868d05494e71586eb3e .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u02e60f7335c5c868d05494e71586eb3e , .u02e60f7335c5c868d05494e71586eb3e:hover , .u02e60f7335c5c868d05494e71586eb3e:visited , .u02e60f7335c5c868d05494e71586eb3e:active { border:0!important; } .u02e60f7335c5c868d05494e71586eb3e .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u02e60f7335c5c868d05494e71586eb3e { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u02e60f7335c5c868d05494e71586eb3e:active , .u02e60f7335c5c868d05494e71586eb3e:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u02e60f7335c5c868d05494e71586eb3e .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u02e60f7335c5c868d05494e71586eb3e .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u02e60f7335c5c868d05494e71586eb3e .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u02e60f7335c5c868d05494e71586eb3e .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u02e60f7335c5c868d05494e71586eb3e:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u02e60f7335c5c868d05494e71586eb3e .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u02e60f7335c5c868d05494e71586eb3e .u02e60f7335c5c868d05494e71586eb3e-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u02e60f7335c5c868d05494e71586eb3e:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Abortion Essay IntroductionSummary It is highly unlikely (less then 1%) the humans will contract bovineTuberculosis from animals, but there is always the possibility of transmissionof the disease. If you do come in contact with an animal that has bovineTuberculosis you will need to get in contact your state or federal inspectors tohave the animal eradicated. BibliographyCattle: Tuberculin PPD (Bovine), available at: 14 Oct 99 Cattle: Bovine Tuberculosis, available visited 14 Oct 99 Animal DiseaseControl Programs, available at: 14 Oct 99 Wayne Cunningham, 13 Aug 98, Colorado Department ofAgriculture, available at: 20 Oct 99 Bovine Tuberculosis, 20 May 99, available visited 20 Oct 99 Tuberculosis in cattle andhumans-detailed information, available at: 22 Oct 99 J. Flerke, Aug 98, Bovine Tuberculosis in Michigan,available at: 14 Oct 99 Susan E. Aiello, B.S., D.V.M., E.L.S. Merck VeterinarianManual 1998

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

A Collection of Famous Quotations About Love

A Collection of Famous Quotations About Love What do Victor Hugo, Carl Jung, John Lennon, Louisa May Alcott, and Socrates have in common? The answer is that they have all commented on the ways of love. Saints, philosophers, psychologists, playwrights, and poets have left their  views of love for us to read. From ancient scrolls to classic plays, modern films, and songs, love is a timeless subject. Explore these  famous love quotes. Carl Jung Where love rules, there is no will to power; and where power predominates, there love is lacking. The one is the shadow of the other. Sigmund Freud Love and work are the cornerstones of our humanness. Victor Hugo The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved. Dante Alighieri He loves but little who can say and count in words, how much he loves. George Bernard Shaw Love is a gross exaggeration of the difference between one person and everybody else. John Barrymore Love is the delightful interval between meeting a beautiful girl and discovering that she looks like a haddock. Sigmund Freud We are never so helplessly unhappy as when we lose love. Lord Alfred Tennyson He that shuts love out, in turn, shall be Shut out from love and on her threshold lie, Howling in outer darkness. Louisa May Alcott Love is a great beautifier. Nat King Cole The greatest thing you ever learn is just to love and be loved in return. William Makepeace Thackeray It is best to love wisely, no doubt; but to love foolishly is better than not to be able to love at all. Socrates The hottest love has the coldest end. Henry Drummond You will find as you look back upon your life that the moments when you have really lived are the moments when you have done things in the spirit of love. John Lennon Love is the flower youve got to let grow. Thomas Moore But theres nothing half so sweet in life As loves young dream. George Moore The hours I spend with you I look upon as sort of a perfumed garden, a dim twilight, and a fountain singing to it. You and you alone make me feel that I am alive. Other men, it is said have seen angels, but I have seen thee and thou art enough. William Shakespeare If love be rough with you, be rough with love. Prick love for pricking you and beat love down. Margaret Atwood The Eskimos had fifty-two names for snow because it was important to them: there ought to be as many for love. Gloria Gaither Line by line, moment by moment, special times are etched into our memories in the permanent ink of everlasting love in our relationships. Nicholas Sparks You are every reason, every  hope, and every dream Ive ever had. Elisabeth Elliot You are loved with an everlasting love. And underneath are the everlasting arms. From the movie Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part 1 No measure of time with you will be long enough. But lets start with forever. If you enjoy reading popular quotes, see  Drake love quotes and Bob Marley quotes.

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Free Essays on Lower Mesopotamia

Factors that contributed to the emergence of city-states in Lower Mesopotamia and the influence the landscape played in the formation of the civilization which emerged. For this essay I considered the question of what factors contributed to the emergence of city-states in Lower Mesopotamia and the influence the landscape played in the formation of the civilization which emerged. Through my research on this topic I found that there is much evidence to support the claim that landscape was a very large influence on the emergence of civilization and that most of the contributing factors were, in some way, linked to geography. In order to fully understand the topic, I first explored what the definition of civilization is. The first criterion for civilization, that I could think of, is domestication and an agricultural economy capable of producing a stored surplus. From this, I felt the need to examine the origins of Mesopotamian agriculture. With the glacial retreat after the last ice-age (roughly 10000 BC) the Mesopotamian climate improved and many modern plants and animals began to become concentrated in specific areas. Around 9000 BC the vast majority of Mesopotamian peoples were hunter-gatherers. With the concentrations of plants and animals being in specific areas these hunter-gatherers soon began to domesticate those plants and animals and a sedentary village farming pattern arose. This became the predominant way of life around 6000 BC. This change from food collecting to food producing was one of the major transformations in human history. Early peoples no longer had to live the nomadic life of hunter-gatherers but could settle down in permanent housing and produce their own food. It also began an economic change that altered social and political institutions, religion, etc. Domestication is the process of altering plants and animals so that they are no longer bound to the natural habitats of their wild ancestors. In esse... Free Essays on Lower Mesopotamia Free Essays on Lower Mesopotamia Factors that contributed to the emergence of city-states in Lower Mesopotamia and the influence the landscape played in the formation of the civilization which emerged. For this essay I considered the question of what factors contributed to the emergence of city-states in Lower Mesopotamia and the influence the landscape played in the formation of the civilization which emerged. Through my research on this topic I found that there is much evidence to support the claim that landscape was a very large influence on the emergence of civilization and that most of the contributing factors were, in some way, linked to geography. In order to fully understand the topic, I first explored what the definition of civilization is. The first criterion for civilization, that I could think of, is domestication and an agricultural economy capable of producing a stored surplus. From this, I felt the need to examine the origins of Mesopotamian agriculture. With the glacial retreat after the last ice-age (roughly 10000 BC) the Mesopotamian climate improved and many modern plants and animals began to become concentrated in specific areas. Around 9000 BC the vast majority of Mesopotamian peoples were hunter-gatherers. With the concentrations of plants and animals being in specific areas these hunter-gatherers soon began to domesticate those plants and animals and a sedentary village farming pattern arose. This became the predominant way of life around 6000 BC. This change from food collecting to food producing was one of the major transformations in human history. Early peoples no longer had to live the nomadic life of hunter-gatherers but could settle down in permanent housing and produce their own food. It also began an economic change that altered social and political institutions, religion, etc. Domestication is the process of altering plants and animals so that they are no longer bound to the natural habitats of their wild ancestors. In esse...

Monday, February 24, 2020

Ancient Middle East - Lesson 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Ancient Middle East - Lesson 1 - Essay Example B. repetition of words, phrases, or sentences that have the same grammatical structure or that compare or contrast ideas C. intentional repeating of a sound, word, phrase, line, or idea in order to create a particular literary effect D. a comparison of two things to show that they are alike in certain respects E. a figure of speech in which a speaker directly addresses an absent or dead person, a deity, an abstract quality, or something nonhuman as if it were present and capable of responding Question 2 What characteristic of an epic hero does Gilgamesh display when he tells of his plans for the river plant? weakness, since he wants it only for his own use ignorance, since he does not realize it is poisonous kindness, since he intends to give it to the elderly confusion, since he knows it cannot endure Question 3 One of the themes of the Epic of Gilgamesh is the search for immortality, which involves Gilgamesh's traveling to the underworld. Which phrase best describes the Sumerian underworld that Gilgamesh enters as part of his search? a land of dust and darkness a land of hard work and pain a land of abundance and beauty a land of winged creatures and kings Question 4 Which of the following is evidence of the influence of Mesopotamian culture in the Epic of Gilgamesh? Enkidu and Gilgamesh become friends. Gilgamesh encounters many gods in his journey. Gilgamesh is sometimes boastful. Utnapishtim is immortal. ... does not trust her beloved to return. prefers to spend time away from her beloved. worries more about her beloved's happiness than her own.   Ã‚  Question 8    In Most Beautiful Youth Who Ever Happened, the words "love of you goes round and round" reveal that the speaker wishes that her love would stop. worries that her love is hopeless. feels intense, powerful love. sees love as a silly game.   Ã‚  Question 9    The epithet, "O Sole God beside whom there is none!" from The Great Hymn to the Aten, emphasizes Aten's great beauty. supreme power. intense loneliness. extreme isolation.   Ã‚  Question 10    The epithet from The Great Hymn to the Aten, "You rouse them for your son who came from your body, / The King who lives by Maat," implies that worshipers of Aten will rise from the dead. will be like a son to Maat. should fight invaders. should obey the pharaoh.   Ã‚  Question 11    The epithet from The Great Hymn to the Aten, "Lord of all who toils for them," character izes Aten as kind and loving toward his people. caring only toward people who work for him. caring only toward people who work for others. harsh and demanding of his people.   Ã‚  Question 12    Which of these would NOT be appropriate to include in an original praise poem? an epithet: "Ocean, home to sea creatures" an apostrophe: "Little bird, carry my love to my beloved" compliments to the person or object that is the subject of the poem comments on how the subject of the poem has disappointed the speaker   Ã‚  Question 13    The story, In the Beginning, uses repetition to reinforce the important idea that God ended his work and rested on the seventh day. God thought that the things he had made were good. those who sinned against God would be punished. Adam

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Philosophy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Philosophy - Essay Example he possibility of the program itself, that is, the general program which is what constitutes the context of the picture theory of meaning is ascribe and ascertain a "totality of facts". He claims at the outset of the text that "the world is the totality of facts, not of things"[Tract. 1.1]. So, to take this absurdity one step further, a metaphor is necessary to describe this wider program. Wittgenstein's picture theory, once reduced to being either factually true or factually false, is equivalent to an attempt to draw a map of the world on a 1:1 ratio. That is, a picture perfect image where there is no discernible difference between the difference of the description of things, alongside with the very description itself. This is of course, close to being impossible, the world which Wittgenstein is referring to is a world of "facts", and the picture theory of meaning is one which is not describing the world of the senses, although the senses can often perceive factually true phenomena. To use a metaphor from a fairly obtuse philosopher, Martin Heidegger, there is a distinction between the "earth and world" for Wittgenstein, and if one mistakes his world for the earth (or, that which is perceived by the senses), then, one lapses into viewing the totality of facts as pictured, as achieving nothing less than a map of the earth on a 1:1 ratio. This is of course absurd, which is in a sense why one has to view the Tractatus as a type of idealism., and more importantly a theory of ontology or of the nature of reality. Further, his concern resembles more of a possible world than an actual world in this regard, and one might phrase this program in the following way: supposing one wanted to exhaust the possibilities of truth, what type of formal system along with its... Exhausting the limits of reason concerning reality, perhaps there is another and more ‘silent’ means which Wittgenstein sought in order to establish to fulfil what Max Black refers to as the â€Å"metaphysical obsession†. It is ultimately difficult to ‘transcend’ the ‘otherness’ of social existence, or social life, and therefore, such an attempt can really only provide for a state of alienation, and arguably a form of false consciousness. Heidegger characterizes human existence as 'being-in-the-world'. This expression contains two notions: 'being-in' and 'in-the-world'. Thus, human existence is essentially 'being-in'. It involves the idea of 'there'(Da). So human existence is the 'Da' of the 'Sein' of the world. The main concern, of this section is to dwell on the nature of Dasein by analyzing the way in which Dasein is in his 'there', viz., his 'being-in'. In elaborating this point, we will consider the meaning and modes of Dasein's 'being-in' and knowing the world as a typical mode of Dasein's 'being-in'. concepts which are essentially a private language? The language of everydayness is important because it says a lot about what Heidegger meant by language. That is, even though what was being talked about had a somewhat negative connotation. The line between the social and the individual is one that is at the forefront of consideration. 'Being in the World' is a fundamental fact about human existence, but so too with finitude. Part of being socialised, involves a relationship with language and one of the forms or types of language that Heidegger is most critical of, is the language associated with the throwness of everydayness, which is a mouthful. Our struggle with language as individuals, is a struggle with finitude or our own finitude which stands as a 'fact' about our ontology.

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Black people Essay Example for Free

Black people Essay Race and racial issues are all around us. Nobody can sneak behind a curtain, or tuck themselves away in a dark room to avoid this; there isn’t a way to escape racism. Our day to day lives are filled with stereotypes and overgeneralizations that make us think and judge the wrong way. We weren’t born into a race or into a category, but rather into a large melting pot. As Tim Wise said, majority of cops when asked â€Å"What would you assume about a Black or Latino male who lives in a shady neighborhood and has a nice, new car? † would respond â€Å"those men are more than likely drug dealers† just because of their race, when in fact, when compared to Black and Latino males, White males are four times more likely to be in possession of drugs at the time of an arrest. Our founders did not want this to be the case. Abraham Lincoln fought to end slavery and abolish the inequality between Human Beings, not guide us in to thinking the color of our skin shapes us and the opinions we create for others based on their â€Å"race†. Can you believe that ninety-four percent of White Americans believe that racial problems are a small issue like not being able to find the match to your shoe, whereas the other six percent are fully aware that this is a huge controversial issue? Those people who believe racism has dwindled down that much need to have an eye opener. Majority of â€Å"White Americans† are the ones who stereotype and categorize those of a different skin color. It is us â€Å"White Americans† who benefit from being the main race, and having the â€Å"White privilege†. More people need to go to a Black neighborhood and talk to those who see racism every day because in the area that about half of us live, racism is small compared to a large city. White privilege might have begun around the same time slavery had. White people, being the majority, saw the â€Å"new race† as an opportunity to become supreme ruler over something, to have large groups of people work for them. The African American community thought differently, and tried running away. Infuriated, the Whites began on a whole new level believing anyone who ran away from the plantation was sick. Slavery in general, helped create white privilege and stereotype all African Americans into the working type, and now the druggies. All these past experiences have made it harder for African Americans to strive in our society. In previous decades, they deliberately separated White and Black neighborhoods, and when a Black moved into a White neighborhood, the houses value and the neighborhoods value decreased just because the people who moved there were of a different color. It is absolutely ridiculous that racism is still around about just as much as it was seven years ago. Anybody with logical thinking would believe that it would have dwindled down to something less severe. Unfortunately, several towns are still divided and segregated because of race and skin color. I hope I get to see every race and skin color come together and work together fully, across the nation before I’m fifty, that’s thirty three years from now.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Technology Expansion Essay -- Technology, Education, Teacher

Technology Expansion Technology expansion in Georgia’s K–12 education indicates that learners demand new and more challenging academic experiences to achieve success in a wireless technology rich culture (Hennessy, Harrison & Wamakote, 2010). The Georgia Department of Education (GaDOE) developed a plan to meet the â€Å"2008 ISTE National Technology Standards (NETS-T) number 5 â€Å"Engaging in professional growth and leadership† (Oliver, 2010). The Georgia K–12 technology plan mandated the expansions of information and information technology (desktop, wireless technology, handhelds tools, and portable video players) in K–12 classrooms. Essentially, this expansion along with Internet access created a new way to access and send information, thus, impacting teaching and learning in a social constructivism (SC) way. The GaDOE (2008) technology plan was designed to address teacher attitudes and determine ways technology contributes to statewide objectives to Kà ¢â‚¬â€œ12 public school students. In essence, the GaDOE‘s plan also focuses on achieving benchmarks, strategies, and evaluations. To issue common goals to combine efforts of GaDOE, other state-funded education organizations, municipal systems, and education partners supplementary underwent challenges with educational technology innovations. To address the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) act of 2001 guidelines and state guidelines enforced their state technology plan. The technology plan is also in place to utilize as a guide for both federal and instructional state technology funding (GaDOE, 2008). All school district teachers participated in the Georgia Technology Plan for 2007-2012 survey. The purpose of the survey was to assess teacher feedback and address ways... ...ional usage. Kay and Lauricella utilized an anonymous, online survey to gather data. The data collections provided assistance and a framework for best practices regarding wireless laptops usage. Kay and Lauricella’s (2010) concurred that there are no conclusive analysis for the general population quasi-experimental methods concerning reliability and validity of the data. Although, the population in Kay and Lauricella’s (2010) study was college and university student, K–12 students will inevitably be faced with working with technology in not only the higher education world, but also in the workforce. Teacher training can facilitate technology based activities aligned to cross curriculum strategies, employ basic information and technology skills on the K–12 level. Innovative technology provides students with an edge on advanced technology (Weston & Bain, 2010).

Monday, January 13, 2020

Essay on Edgar Allen Poe’s Fall of House of Usher

Bipolar disorder affects many people today as well as in the time of Edgar Allen Poe when it was then called melancholia. Poe was diagnosed with this disorder and it plays an integral role in his story, â€Å"The Fall of the House of Usher† (1839). This story is heavily influenced by this disorder or its presently associated symptoms and also describes one way that bipolar disorder can genetically affect an entire family. To fully understand a story involving this disorder, it is cardinal to know the exact definition of bipolar disorder, as well as its symptoms and previous aliases.The Oxford English Dictionary defines bipolar disorder as: â€Å"a form of mental illness characterized by one or more episodes of mania typically accompanied by one or more episodes of major depression† (Cite? ). Some terms used for what is now considered bipolar disorder include melancholia and manic depression. Melancholia is defined by the Oxford English Dictionary as: â€Å"A pathologic al state of despondency; severe depression; severe endogenous depression, with loss of interest and pleasure in normal activities, disturbance of sleep and appetite, feelings of worthlessness and guilt, and thoughts of death or suicide. (Cite? ). The first person to associate melancholia and madness as two parts of the same disease was Araeteus from Cappadocia (30-90 AD) (Skeppar 8). Manic Depression is actually included as an equivalent term to bipolar disorder in the Oxford English Dictionary. (Cite? ) There are four main stages of bipolar disorder: hypomania, mania, depressed, and mixed. Hypomania and mania share similar symptoms such as racing thoughts, increased physical activity, lack of sleep and hunger, and heightened sensitivity. Hypomania also has a distinct symptom labeled as an increase in goal directed activity.The depression stage includes symptoms such as constant depression, insomnia or hypersomnia, psychomotor agitation, energy loss, trouble thinking, and indecisive ness. As expected the mixed stage has some common symptoms as the other stages and also more severe such as thoughts of death and suicidal ideations. These symptoms previously mentioned play an immense role in diagnosing the character of Roderick Usher. It is common knowledge that bipolar disorder has symptoms of mood swings both high and low which is why it is justly named.Not commonly known, however, is the link between artistry and this disorder (Jamison). The wise Aristotle is quoted as saying, â€Å"Why is it that all men who are outstanding in philosophy, poetry or the arts are melancholic? † (Jamison 51). A side note to this is evident when Jamison states: â€Å"The manic drive in its controlled form and phase is of value only if joined to ability† (Jamison 55). The artistic tendencies frequently common with bipolar syndrome help the reader to diagnose Roderick Usher in the story â€Å"The Fall of the House of Usher†.It is overwhelmingly clear that throug hout Poe’s story, Roderick Usher suffers from bipolar disorder. It is clear from early on in the story that Usher is suffering not only from depression, but also from an illness in his mind as shown in his letter to the narrator: â€Å"The writer spoke of acute bodily illness — of a mental disorder which oppressed him — and of an earnest desire to see me, as his best, and indeed his only personal friend, with a view of attempting, by the cheerfulness of my society, some alleviation of his malady. † (Poe).The narrator also notices his mood swings evidenced by the different ways in which he would talk displayed by this passage: â€Å"His voice varied rapidly from a tremulous indecision (when the animal spirits seemed utterly in abeyance) to that species of energetic concision — that abrupt, weighty, unhurried, and hollow-sounding enunciation — that leaden, self-balanced and perfectly modulated guttural utterance, which may be observed in the lost drunkard, or the irreclaimable eater of opium, during the periods of his most intense excitement. † (Poe). Another way that Usher displays signs of bipolar disorder is through his artistic expression.Not only does he paint, but he also reads heavily and plays musical instruments which shown a sign of increased goal related activity. Also, Usher â€Å"suffered much from a morbid acuteness of the senses; the most insipid food was alone endurable; he could wear only garments of certain texture; the odors of all flowers were oppressive; his eyes were tortured by even a faint light; and there were but peculiar sounds, and these from stringed instruments, which did not inspire him with horror. † (Poe). This heightened sensitivity is evidence of the mania stage associated with bipolar syndrome.Also, a possible episode of mania would be the scene involving Usher’s sister coming from the dead. This could surely be seen as an hallucination and sign of a manic episode. To recap, Usher has symptoms from the hypomania, mania, and depressed stages meaning the ailment that he suffers from is not melancholia, but instead a modern case of bipolar or manic depression disorder. One reason for a character in a story having a particular disorder would be that the author has real life experience with it. Such is the case with Edgar Allen Poe and â€Å"The Fall of the House of Usher†.Poe most definitely suffered from what would now be considered a form of manic-depression disorder. During his final year on Earth, he showed signs of mania, constantly relocating to various cities (Meyers 244). Also during this year, he is reported as saying to a friend named Frederic Thomas: â€Å"You will be pleased to hear that I am in better health than I ever knew myself to be- full of energy and bent on success. † (Meyers 245). This evidence of a prolonged state of mania or even hypomania as he reports having an increase in energy, goal related activated, an d seems to be experiencing delusions of grandeur.He also experienced stages of depression including binges of drinking and even hallucinations (Meyers 252). Poe also had a recorded attempt of suicide in November 1848 (Meyers 252). According to Dr. Kay Redfield Jamison, â€Å"Poe was scarcely alone in suffering from both manic-depressive illness and alcohol and drug abuse† (Jamison 37). Jamison seems to have diagnosed Poe with manic-depression or bipolar disorder. From other places in Jamison’s book, Touched with Fire: Manic Depressive Illness and the Artistic Temperament, it’s reasonable to believe that Poe’s artistry most likely stems from his disorder allowing him to be even more creative.Perhaps Poe’s own psychological problems influenced his portrayal of Usher in this short story. As aforementioned, both Poe and his fictitious character Roderick Usher suffer from bipolar disorder. This was not by coincidence. It seems clear that Poe’s re asoning for this is to give the public a way to see inside Poe’s on diseased mind and better understand not only his works, but also himself. An author’s best ways to display his own problems are to weave them into a story as is done in â€Å"The Fall of the House of Usher. † One can better understand his mind through a story than with descriptions of his symptoms alone.Bipolar disorder is a hereditary disease. According to Dr. Francis J. McMahon of the National Institute of Mental Health in regards to the genetic inheritance of this disorder, â€Å"about two-thirds of the risk for bipolar disorder can be explained by genes† (â€Å"NIH†). This information is known due to twin studies: if one identicle twin has manic depression then it is a 60 to 80% likelihood that the other twin has it (â€Å"NIH’). The genetic inheritance of this disorder amongst sufferers is around 79 to 93% (Backlund 501). This means that most manic-depressive people ac quired the trait from family members instead of from environmental factors alone.The exact genes that cause bipolar disorder are not yet known but different genes have been isolated (Jamison 16). One of these possible genes could be the P2RX7 gene (Backlund 501). This gene affects the way in which dopamine is unleashed in the brain which brings about its association with the manic episodes of manic-depression (Backlund 501). The heredity of bipolar disorder plays an interesting role in â€Å"The Fall of the House of Usher†. Roderick Usher inherited his manic-depressive disorder in a modernly bizarre way: through inbreeding.Usher belong to a wealthy prominent family as shown by his massive, gothic style house. Many of these wealthy families practiced inbreeding in order to keep bloodlines strong and to prevent the spreading of wealth. This is shown when the narrator says â€Å"I had learned, too, the very remarkable fact, that the stem of the Usher race, all time-honored as i t was, had put forth, at no period, any enduring branch; in other words, that the entire family lay in the direct line of descent, and had always, with very trifling and very temporary variation, so lain† (Poe).This quote visibly projects an image of inbreeding as it says the family tree was essentially bare of branches. Due to the influence that genetics plays on bipolar disorder, if one person in his family had it then he is also likely to have it. A lack of genetic diversity means that many other people in his family most likely suffered from the same disorder as him. It seems likely that his sister also suffered due to the constant presence of a doctor in the house.Early on in the story, the narrator says that the family for generations had been interested in music and the sciences (Poe). When looking at this through a bipolar perspective, these interests could be a derivative of an entire family suffering from the same disorder. Another note is that the narrator says that â€Å"’House of Usher’ — an appellation which seemed to include, in the minds of the peasantry who used it, both the family and the family mansion† (Poe) Therefore, when the House of Usher crumbles at the end of the story; perhaps it is in reality the crumbling of Usher’s mind.The correlation between inbreeding in this story and bipolar disorder is strong. By knowing the way in which inbreeding affects bipolar sufferers, one can better understand the story. Also, the knowledge of Poe’s melancholia can also explain why this story may have been written: to portray this disorder in a way in which people can better understand it. A better understanding of these disorder not only helps people understand the mysterious mind of Poe, but also people they may encounter in real life.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Becoming A Licensed Professional Engineer - 1674 Words

Introduction To become a licensed professional engineer (PE), states have enacted strict standards to ensure the publics safety. These standards define the required education, specified time working for a licensed Professional Engineer, and passing a state licensing exam. In addition to all these requirements, PE’s also have to fulfill strict continuing education requirements related to their chosen specialty (NSPE 2014). Even with these strict standards, mistakes happen. The question that has to be asked is, should the Engineer of Record be held responsible, to any degree, for injury or death to builders or bystanders that occurs during the construction of his/her design? If an engineer has acted with due diligence during the design phase of a construction project, they should not hold any liability for the actions of another. Ultimately the responsibility belongs directly to that of the workers and construction contractors. This paper will show how proper design, and a moral responsibility to the public is enough within the engineering profession. Moreover, when accidents do happen on the jobsite the engineer of record cannot be used as the scapegoat. The engineers responsibility through design Engineers hold a unique role in the design of any project. They also hold a special trust within the public as they have specific knowledge and experience within their chosen specialty. However, there is one thing engineers are not; they are not construction experts.Show MoreRelatedEssay on Civil Engineering at a Glance1408 Words   |  6 Pagesof a civil engineer is diminishing rapidly; however, more buildings and roads are being constructed. Becoming an engineer is not an easy task to complete. Many years of college and post-education training are required to gain the ability to be titled an engineer, especially a civil engineer. 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