Friday, November 1, 2019

Class Grading System Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Class Grading System - Assignment Example This ensures that any emergency that may prevent students from timely submission does not hamper the over all grade. All assignments shall be due 9am on Monday; a grace time of 3 hours shall be given, and accordingly, from 12 noon onwards, no assignments shall be considered for submission, consequently, the student would get a '0' in that assignment. Class Quizzes: Quizzes shall be given through out the semester/term, and graded out of 10. For each 5 quizzes, best 4 shall be chosen for instance if 10 quizzes are conducted then 8 best (individual scores) would be counted towards the final calculations. This again ensures a safe cushion i.e. a bad day does not spoil the students' final grade. Term Project: This would represent the learning of the entire course and would carry 10% of the grade (or more depending on class understanding and project extensiveness). Projects would have assigned milestones (with milestone deadlines). Milestone deadline shall serve as a DEADline and a submission late by every 3 hours would lose one point for instance a 6 hour late submission would attain a maximum of 8 marks. Collection & Grading: All assignments and deliverables shall be due on the first working day of the next week to ensure that the students get ample time over the weekend to have their work up to the mark. The grading shall take place by the instructor or his/her assistant over the week and return for correction of any errors within 3 days, and the final grades shall be communicated over the weekend through email, notice-board, and/or grade-sheet circulation in the class. Rule of Absences: No more than 2 weeks absences shall be allowed to any student during the term. These absences are marked considering that any inability causing the student not to attend classes (such as any sickness or personal issues) do not, on a general note, exceed 2 weeks. For cooping up with the loss work, students would be provided extra counseling sessions, which may vary in number depending on student's ability to grasp the missed out work. References Linn R., and Gronlund N. (2000) Measurement and Assessment in Teaching. (7th edition) Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice

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