Friday, October 18, 2019

MIS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

MIS - Essay Example edman), globalization has entered a whole new phase and this reality can be judged from the speed with which technology is connecting different countries in a way which is also suppressing the distinguishing characteristics in terms of religion, race, culture, or language. My career might be working in the petroleum field in Saudi Arabia and globalization would surely influence my career as well. The fact that I belong from a different country and might be working in a totally different part of the world full of people speaking different language and following different cultures and values is not scaring me in a way it would have had globalization not been such a profound phenomenon presently. Also (according to Friedman), globalization has changed the world in a way that is eliminating the distinguished characteristics and a more harmonious working environment is made consequently at different workplaces around the globe. As countries continue advancing technologically, the world is also getting smaller in response. In an insightful and riveting piece titled In the Next Industrial Revolution, Atoms Are the New Bits, (Anderson) also discusses how the world is rapidly changing as globalization took its toll a few years back and how business should be able to boom both locally and globally by carefully leveling the playing field. Though revolution cannot be brought in a single day yet, by leveling the playing field and embracing creative ideas from local people like Local Motors did, the manufacturing future could be drastically changed. Local Motors let the common public design transportation and out ruled the global auto manufacturing giants. (Anderson) emphasizes that the future is not about relying on globally recognized manufacturing companies, rather the future should be majorly about trusting on local individual innovators with brilliant ideas so that business could flourish locally. What is now seen as big can lose to what was seen as small in the past only

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