Monday, October 28, 2019

Training Managers to be Cross Culturally Sensitive Essay Example for Free

Training Managers to be Cross Culturally Sensitive Essay Cultural sensitiveness is an important part of modern management practices in the world of business today. With the brink of globalization in the current system of life of the human society today, it could not be denied that there are many reasons for managers to adjust their system of dealing with their professional duties as major controllers of the human resources of several organizations in the society today. Gone are the days when they simply have to deal with individual-based diversity (Morgan 1998). Today, more than simple individual differences, managers have to consider cultural values of the people as well.   Being sensitive about these particular aspects is a certain leap towards development for managers of the current society.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Human issues are probably the hardest issues of diversity that should be dealt with today. With the clashing of cultural values between people from different nations because of the effects of globalization within the current system of things, the past issues of human relationship had both been increased in possibilities of being resolved or even the possibilities being worsened. This could be judged through the process of management that is applied towards the values of the said diversified society of business organizations today.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Being sensitive to this aspect of human development shall make it easier for the managers to have better understanding of their responsibility. Understandably, the system of management should be more concerned on how the values of the people being controlled are being provided by the authorities. This is primarily to satisfy their values and their levels of wants and demands of being respected as humans who have their own personal guidelines of being individually satisfied from their works through the ways that they are being treated by their authorities (Nelson-Neuhaus 2004).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Why is being sensitive about the matter of culture necessary? Moving into a new social environment is a very challenging matter. First, since the destination is a new place and full of new people, critical adaptation and socialization are greatly required to be able to adjust to the change of society (Dalton 2002). One must learn the cultural pattern and social standards of the new society to be able to blend in and adapt. This idea is greatly relevant to the case of an expatriate employee of a certain company, which is already becoming a main concern for the business society. Many cases of an expatriate employee already resulted to resignation due to staggering problems brought by the socialization process (Keough, 453-459). Thus to address this social dilemma, socialization of a new person mainly an expatriate employee must be given concern especially the communication strategies that are relevant to the process.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Certainly, training managers to be cross culturally sensitive in this matter is a serious task to take into consideration. How then are the procedures supposed to be dealt with? First, the realization of diversity should be implemented thus helping the individuals concerned take full charge of their duty when the issue comes to becoming highly involved in a multicultural working environment. Next is the implementation of normalizing rules. As managers, these individuals should realize that they are in power to put an end to the dilemma that may be caused by human differences at work. Thirdly, making the managers competent enough in handling such cases of cultural diversity lies in the understanding of he said individuals of the fact that humans are indeed in different measures of both cultural and personal diversity that should be fully recognized by everyone especially at work so as to be able to establish a lot more responsive environment at work. References: Keough, Colleen M. (1998). The Case of Aggrieved Expatriate. Management Communications Quarterly. MCQ. Volume 11 (3), pp 452-459. January 3, 2008. Eileen Morgan. (1998). Navigating Cross-Cultural Ethics: What Global Managers Do Right to Keep From Going Wrong .Butterworth-Heinemann. Kristie J. Nelson-Neuhaus. (2004). Successful Managers Handbook: Develop Yourself, Coach Others. ePredix, Inc.; 7th edition. Stephen H. Rhinesmith. (1996). Managers Guide To Globalization: Six Skills for Success in a Changing World. McGraw-Hill. Maxine Dalton. (2002). Success for the New Global Manager: How to Work Across Distances, Countries, and Cultures. Jossey-Bass; 1 edition.

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